"No, I'm fine. Where are the girls?" he asked, cutting me off. I rolled my eyes and led him inside, showing him the couch that they girls slept on. They hugged each other while they slept, and I saw a loving expression come across Ethan's face as he watched them. 

He lifted Ellie up as I lifted Ally. We carried them in our arms, making sure they didn't wake up. We got them to the car quickly, the cold air nipping at our arms. We placed them in the back, using a blanket that Ethan had in his car to warm them up. 

"Wait!" I said, rushing inside and grabbing the backpack that I had left by the door. I gave it to Ethan and he peered inside. He nodded his head in thanks before putting it in the back with the girls. We said our goodbyes before he left, and I went back inside before I got sick from the cold. 

Damn. What was all that about?

>< >< >< 

Back to Calculus the next day, Jordan and Blake behind me. Thankfully, Belle wasn't in this class so we could actually speak to Blake now without him being interrupted by his lovely girlfriend. Sarcasm alert. 

And then, Xavier walked in. He wasn't in this class. He sat down in the only spare seat next to me, and I raised an eyebrow. 

"Miss me that much?" 

He rolled his eyes, flashing a small grin. "You wish." 

"Not really. The opposite in fact," I retorted, my lips curling upwards at the corners. 

Our small bickering war was interrupted by Jordan and Blake's bickering war, behind us. 

"If you put a chicken nugget in a blender, would it taste the same?" 


"But how do you know?" 

"I..I.." Jordan couldn't think of an answer. 

Xavier groaned. "I can't believe I got put in a class with those idiots," he stated. 

"Same here," I said, causing Blake and Jordan to simultaneously narrow their eyes at us. 

"Hey! That's not nice," Blake pouted. 

"Go complain to your girlfriend," Xavier replied.

"I will!" Blake crossed his arms. We all rolled our eyes at that.

The teacher started talking, and we all had to shut up from that moment. Eventually, when the lecture was over, we were left to do our work while the teacher read the newspaper. I started scribbling down the answers, as Xavier also did. 

However, the bickering behind us started up again. Xavier and I groaned in sync this time, turning around to see what the new problem was. 

"What now?" I asked, looking at them expectantly. 

"He stole my pencil," Jordan said, pointing to Blake who now held two pencils. Despite us seeing this, he tried to hide one behind his back. 

"No I didn't." 

"Yes you did!" 

"No I didn't!" 

"Shut up!" I said, interrupting their war. 

"What she said," Xavier interjected, inclining his head towards me. 

"Just give Jordan back his pencil, Blake," I told him, which he did by throwing it across the room, narrowly missing the bin. 

I sighed. "Children. My friends are children." 

"You got that right," Xavier agreed, going back to writing down the answers to the questions that we had to complete. At the end of the lesson, I had successfully finished my work despite Jordan and Blake arguing like two year olds over a piece of chocolate. 

I met with Amber after class was over, saying goodbye to the boys. I couldn't help but notice that Xavier and I had been talking and having an actual conversation. He almost smiled as well. Interesting. 

"Let's go to the gym, we can see if we made it," she said, leading me to the sports board that we had visited yesterday. Thankfully, we saw the sheet of paper that was clearly titled 'Girls Soccer Team'. 

Our eyes went down the list, searching for our names. Amber spotted hers, pumping her fist in the air and hollering. The students around us gave her a look but she didn't care. 

I kept looking until I spotted my name on the list, and I grinned widely, terrifyingly close to doing a victory dance. Unfortunately, I didn't bless the people around me with that dance today. 

Amber and I high fived. "There is a meeting at lunch today at the field, I'll see you there," she said as the bell rang, signalling the start of our next classes. We said goodbye to each other and walked in opposite directions. 

I walked with a smile on my face to my next class, excited about the next couple of weeks. 

I bumped into Jordan in the hallway, and he noticed my now creepy smile. "What's going on? Why are you looking so happy, yet terrifying?" 

"Is that a nice way of telling me that I have a creepy smile?" I deadpanned. 

He laughed. "No, seriously. What happened?" 

My smile was back now. "I made the soccer team!" 

He grinned. "That's great!" he said, giving me a small hug. We both then realised that we were going to be late for class, so we bid our goodbyes and rushed to our next class. I swear to god, I better not be late. 

A/N: GUYS! The Fiction Awards are now open to nominations, so PLEASEEE! go do me a favour and nominate this book or me for the following possible awards!

- Best Humor Story

- Best of the Beginners (Author name only) 

- Best of the Little (Author name only) 

Simply inline comment the title of this book and my username (tag me). Only nominate me ONCE for each of these three categories. I don't mind which one you nominate me for, you choose, but PLEASE DO IT! Tell your friends and tag them so that I can qualify for one of the three! I'll be giving SHOUTOUTS to those that DO IT and tag me!

Please help me out guys! Do it if you're enjoying this book. 

Link: https://www.wattpad.com/407146068-the-fiction-awards-2017-nominations-open

also who's hyped for Pirates Of The Caribbean 5? MEEE HELL TO THE F YEAH.

THANKS TO THOSE THAT NOMINATED ME (hopefully people actually do lol). BYE!

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