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Chan had concluded it was too late for Nanami to go back to her house so late at night when they arrived in Korea. Although, it was only eight at night but the sun was already down. Nanami tried to persuade him to go home saving herself from embarrassment but he was persistent.

Chan accompanied her in a taxi ride to her apartments.

Outside Nanami was greeted with flowers and notes outside her apartment door. Her neighbor who was an old elderly greeted her commonly.

"Excuse me, but do you know why there are flowers outside of my door." Nanami asked. She didn't expect anything, nor would she ever buy herself flowers.

The old neighbor gave a gummy smile, "Ah, a young man came yesterday with a bouquet and said they were for you. He waited outside for maybe an hour before going home. He seems very gentlemen like. He was really sweet too."

Nanami and Chan both raised an everybody. Who would give Nanami a bouquet? And on top of that, who would wait outside for an hour?

"What does he look like?" Chan asked the elderly.

"He had a warm smile. At the time he seemed to have brown hair, he had a soft voice. He's very youthful looking and-" The woman pointed behind Chan, "Look he's coming up behind you."

Chan snapped his head in the direction. Joshua was walking up he stairs with another bouquet of flowers in his hand and a letter. He stopped when he noticed both Nanami and Chan were at the front door.

"Joshua what're you doing here?" Nanami asked. Chan stiffened seeing Joshua and felt the urge to push Nanami behind him.

Joshua held out the array of flowers, "I want to apologize."

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