Catching Up : Chapter 38

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This song was basically my inspiration for this chapter 🎶😍. Anyways, enjoy!


"Is anyone sitting here?" A voice says. I look up.



Ayano's POV

"Oh, hey Taro! No one's sitting there, so you can sit down if you want, I guess" I say, gesturing towards the empty chair.

"Thanks!" He says, taking a seat. "Soo...what's been going on in your life while I wasn't there?"

"Oh my've missed much..." I say.

Before I know it, me and Taro have spent hours just sitting there, sharing my ice cream and bubble tea, reminiscing on our past. He comforted me and gave me his condolences, and told me what was going on while I was...caught up in my things.

Apparently, Ryuto finally got the courage to ask Pippi out! Taro says he programmed an entire video game and gave it to Pippi to "test out". But, the end screen said "Will you go out with me?". Needless to say, she said yes. ❤

Also, Mai committed suicide. Shocking, I know. She left a note addressed

"Well, the school didn't know what to do with it since you were already so..." Taro said, looking for a proper word.

"Depressed?" I suggested.

"Yeah" he said. "Anyways, I told them I'd give it to you, so here". He hands a folded piece of pink paper to me. I open it up.

Dear Ayano,

Where do I even begin?

Well, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for ruining for life and stealing your...boyfriend? Was Aki your boyfriend? I don't even know. Well, sorry for that.

Also sorry for killing him in the end. The poison was only supposed to stun him, but me being a stupid little ass, I accidentally used too much and it ended up stopping his heart.

But I want you to know,

I really did love him. He was so sweet, caring, and considerate.

But let's be honest- he didn't love me back.

He loved you.

Ayano, I'll be long, long dead by the time you read this.

And Aki? Well, he's gone.

But I can tell you, he loved you so, so much.

Well, just wanted you to know.

Wish me luck!
Mai Waifu

"Ayano, are you okay?" Taro asked, concern in his eyes. "You're crying".

Touching my face, I notice tears had streaked onto my cheeks. I hastily wipe them off.

"Y-yeah...I'm good." I say. Then, I remember why I was looking for Taro.

"Taro...earlier today..." I say, looking at him expectantly.

"Oh, yeah! Well...I was...uh...."

Taro's POV

How do I tell her I know where she lives??

"I was passing by..and I heard crying coming from your house."

"How do you know where I live?" She says, raising an eyebrow.

"Well..." THINK, TARO!!!

"Since we walked to school together, I saw you coming out of your house a few times" I say, trying to sound casual. She nods. YES!!!

"I knocked on your door, and when you opened it, it looked like you were passed out. So, I carried you to your bed and went to Shisuta Town for a snack, where I founf you...again!".

"I see" She says, taking a sip of bubble tea. "Thanks for not leaving me on the floor" she adds with a grin.

"No problem!" I say, sounding a bit to eager. "I-I problem" I say in a much chiller, manlier tone. My response is greeted with Aya's sweet laugh.

"Well, it's getting late" Aya says, standing up. "See you at school?"

"Y-yeah!" I say, once again eager, but I don't care! I just got through a conversation with my kohai! YAAYYYYYYYY!!!!

"Bye!" She says, walking out.

After I wave back, I slump back in my chair.

"You've done it again, Taro!"

"You certainly have" a voice says from behind me.

Then all I see is black.

Hey everyone! This is the first chapter in a REAAALLYYYY long time 😄

so HI AGAIN!!! I like being back 😆

Also, I'm think I'm going to start dedicating each chapter to a reader or commenter or voter, so if you want a chapter dedicated to you, vote or comment! Also, if you've been reading or voting or commenting for a long time, and you don't have a chapter dedicated to you yet, it's because I'm going DOWN my notifications (I see the latest comments/votes first) so don't worry oldies, you'll get your turn :))



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