I run into the kitchen and I see my dad start to walk into the room to.

"Finnick would you like to explain to your father and I why you punched Jerry in the face?" Mom asks sternly.

"Well I was talking to Jerry after training, and he started-" Annie cuts me off as she runs into the kitchen.

"Mr. and Mrs. Odair!" she yells.

"Annie not right now we are dealing with something serious." Dad tells her.

What is Annie doing?

"Finnick was just protecting me, Jerry was apparently calling me names or whatever and Finnick was just trying to be a good friend to me. He didn't mean to hurt anyone he was just trying to protect me." she explains.

She's protecting me. Trying to keep them from giving me a harsh punishment. I don't want her protecting me. I don't want her to have to worry about me.

"Annie, we appreciate you trying to tell us what happened, and thank you, but it doesn't mean Finnick won't be punished." Mom tells her.

"I know, I just know that he didn't mean to do anything wrong." she tells her softly and shyly.

"We know Annie. Finnick, you're a good kid, and I believe Annie and I know you wouldn't punch someone's face for no reason. But you can't get away with this. So you're going to apologize to Jerry tomorrow at school. End of discussion. Mom says.

"Unless I get picked for the games today." I mumble.

I start walking to my room to get ready for the reaping. I can't believe what Annie did for me. I was going to tell them how Jerry was picking on Annie, but what of they didn't believe me? I would have been punished for punching Jerry, and they would've punished me because they thought I was lying. I know how to repay her. I'm going to tell her that I like her.

"So what's the truth?" she asks already.

"About what?" I ask. I know what she's asking. But I need to figure out what to say before I say it.

"You were going to tell me the truth about how you feel and then the peacekeeper showed up." she reminds me.

"Oh right that." I start. "Well I gotta tell you sooner or later, and I want you to know in case my name gets pulled out of that reaping ball." I tell her.

"So what's the truth then?" she asks.

"The truth is I have never felt this way about a girl and I think I have a massive crush on you." I confess.

"I mine as we'll admit that it hit me that I liked you when you kissed me." YES! I think to myself. I was so afraid that she wouldn't feel the same way, or want to try going out with me. But she likes me to, the first girl I like likes me too. I feel so... happy.

I smile at her. "Well hopefully if I don't get picked to fight to the death we can go out sometime." I offer.

"I'd like that." she says nicely.

"Cool." I say casually when in reality I'm practically jumping up and down.

"So I guess you have to go." she says sadly.

"Yea." I say. I don't want to get picked! If I get picked, I miss my date with my dream girl. The girl who I've liked since I laid eyes on her, and just haven't realized it yet.

"I'll go with you, stay in the back." she tells me.

"Ok." I tell her. "You'll make me braver if I get picked."

Driven By Love (Finnick and Annie's story Hunger Games fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now