Fuzzbutt (Sam Wilson x reader)

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When your new puppy arrived at the compound, he was everyone's best friend almost immediately; even Tony found himself unable to be without cuddling up to the little guy for very long without going through withdrawal. Steve reverted back to what he must have been like as a little kid, annoying and whining to you when Tony was hogging puppy time, Thor couldn't understand why you wouldn't let him take your fur-laden beast to Asgard for a few days, and both Natasha and Wanda were having far too much fun dressing the little guy in new puppy clothes for you to get much time with him yourself. Even with as much fun as he seemed to be having, your little protector wouldn't want anything to do with any of them unless you were there too, making it very clear with his best attempt at a snarl if they crossed him.

Overall, the tiny addition to the team was beyond welcomed with open arms by everyone except Sam, who was the last person who you expected to be against something so adorable. The attitude wasn't lost on your pup either; whenever Wilson came into the room or sat too close to you on the jet, that little snarl made an appearance, his barely grown teeth showing his dominance and daring your friend to get closer. Even now as he slept, it seemed as if he could sense the man coming closer.

"What's up with Fuzzbutt?"

"What did you just call him?" you snapped at Sam, covering the small and innocent ears on the bundle in your lap. "That's not his name, Sam."

"It's not like he can understand me."

"But he can hear you, and he's asleep. Tony wore him out and he needs a nap so maybe keep it down, alright?"

"Then explain the attitude, (Y/N). He's growling in his sleep. I'm telling ya, there's something broken in that thing. Dogs love me."

"Maybe it's because you call him a thing? His name is East," you offered, snuggling your boy. "A little respect goes a long way."

"East?" Sam scoffed. "That's not a name, (Y/N). Where did you come up with that?"

"Steve suggested it."

Sam stood silently for a moment, finding it difficult to ignore the pangs of recognition running through his mind at the mention of the name. When he finally realized the association, his hand slapped down onto the back of the couch that held you hard enough to wake the puppy. "That's it! That's the name of Evans' dog! Of course Steve would suggest it, he's such a damn fangirl."

"I thought his dog's name is Dodger?"

"The dog before Dodger was East."

At the sound of Sam speaking his name, East looked up and barked as loudly as he could, standing on his stumpy little legs and wobbling with each yelp in his direction. "Oh, now you did it, Sam. You pissed him off."

"Oooh, I'm sooo scared..." he mocked, sticking out his tongue, "what's he gonna do-"

East responded just as you would have expected as your guardian, jumping from the couch and tumbling across the floor in a heap, rolling a few times before coming to a halt on his feet to immediately run after his least favorite Avenger.

"(Y/N), get your dog!" Sam pleaded, turning to run away, but not before East got in a nip at his ankle. "Oh, come on!"

"Sorry, Wilson," you smirked, turning him down, "I think it's time for you two boys to figure out how to get along." Leaning back into the cushions, you closed your eyes and waited for one of them to give up and run back to you for safety, but when it never happened, you thought that maybe some progress was being made. It wasn't until you were awoken from your brief nap by Clint that you realized your mistake, and that your little pup might actually be winning.

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