Life's a Bitch...And So Are You (Stark x reader)

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Tony Stark calling

"Yes, Mr. Stark?"

"Actually, this is FRIDAY, Mr. Stark's-"

"Yes, I know what you are," you snapped back unapologetically.

"Mr. Stark requests that he be able to reschedule-"

"No. You tell Mr. Stark that we've already rescheduled this meeting three times in the last month, and I will not do it again." Glancing over your shoulder, you were finally able to see an opening in the wall of traffic that you had been stuck in, making a sharp pull on the steering wheel and forcing the accelerator down with every bit of frustration you were feeling. "I've been sitting in traffic for over two hours, and if he isn't at the compound when I get there, he's going to find himself in exponentially more trouble than he already is. You tell him that." With a slam of your hand against your phone, the line closed without another word.

Taking a long, cleansing breath, or at least making your best attempt at it, you turned up your music and pushed onward, trying to clear your mind of Tony Stark until the last possible second before you had to actually be in front of the man.


The compound was impressive enough, but it felt far too grandiose for a group of people that needed maybe half the amount of room that the buildings and grounds provided. Everything was built in clean, sharp lines, the colors muted to give it a futuristic look, which was no surprise, and the tech was the most advanced that could be found pretty much anywhere in the world. You expected no less from Stark, but the displays of his knowledge and wealth felt like a poorly-veiled attempt at satisfying his own needs over those of the team.

You put your car into park with an audible groan, looking up to see him standing at the door and waiting for you with a look that did nothing to mask his displeasure at your refusal to reschedule, but you weren't about to let him see that he bothered you in the least.

"She looks mean."

"She looks like she's not about to take any of your crap," Rhodey chuckled with a firm slap on Tony's back. "Good luck, pal. You're on your own." He stumbled slightly and turned away, slowly making his way towards his room as Tony watched. Every time his friend was nearby and the sounds of moving joints in his prosthesis filled the room, Tony's heart felt contrastingly empty; it was a guilt that would never go away, and when the door opened to let you in, he quickly shook his feelings away before you could be a witness to them.

"Mr. Stark."

"Ms. (Y/L/N)," he greeted, extending his hand which you politely took. "How private do we need to do this?"

"Your office is just fine." You followed his lead as he guided you through the compound's main building, through the common room and past the gym, towards the back of the facility where he had claimed the largest office with the most privacy. The décor of his personal space was sparse, and what was there felt cold and unattached; no family pictures, no team pictures, not even anything that gave the feeling of being more than a find in a Pier One shopping spree.

"Mr. Stark, let's cut to the chase-"


"As I was saying, Mr. Stark," you deflected, much to his dismay, "I've been appointed by the Secretary of State to monitor all Avenger activity in accordance with the Sokovia Accords and your agreement to act under the direction of the U.N. Security Panel."


"I'll begin with a simple question," you replied, leaning into your bag as it sat on the floor next to you, taking your phone in hand and opening the screen before turning it so that he could see the image that was coming to life on it. "That's Peter Parker, correct?"

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