Chapter 33- One Direction- Six Legged Spider

Start from the beginning

“Louis,” Eleanor groaned. “Please don't do it.” She started to sob and Zayn dug the barrel into her hair.

“Shut up!” Mr. X said sharply and raised his hand as if he were going to hit her. He turned back to the camera and grinned at them. “It's your choice.” Mr. X told the boys.

Louis' hands started to shake as he gripped the handle bars of his motorcycle tightly. He looked at Eleanor who had turned her attention back to the camera. Her disheveled hair had fallen half across her face, but Louis could still see where her tears had made streaks through the dirt and blood on her cheeks.

Louis looked up at Zayn, whose eyes were still looking just above the frame. Anger boiled inside of him. How dare he do this to the girls! Fuck whatever they did to him that made Zayn this way! This was Zayn. Any form of harm done to Perrie or anyone went totally against his morals.

“Come on boys,” Mr. X taunted. I really don't have all day. When nobody said anything right away, Mr. X sighed. “Zayn. You know what to do.”

“No!” Louis finally shouted. “I'll do it!”

“Louis,” Liam said, stunned.

“Louis don't,” Harry warned. “He's just going to kill them anyway. I can hear his thoughts. We can't do this.”

“I don't care,” Louis growled. “I'm not going to just stand here and watch Eleanor get killed.”

Mr. X let out a laugh. “It's about time someone stepped up. Anyone else care to join him?”

Behind Mr. X, Zayn blinked and his brown eyes slowly slid to Mr. X.

“I must say,” X continued. “I'm quite happy we were able to do this exchange without much blood-”

Suddenly, Zayn swung the barrel of the machine gun like a bat, hitting X in the back of the head. Mr. X grunted and fell forward, momentarially stunned. One of the soldiers tried to attack the boy. “Duck!” Zayn shouted and the girls instantly dropped as Zayn swung the gun again and knocked him to the floor.

“What?” Niall gasped, watching Zayn take down the second soldier. Zayn looked directly at the camera, grabbing Eleanor by the back of her dress and pulling her to her feet before doing the same to Perrie. “Niall, I need you!” He said. Zayn charged forward with the butt of the gun in front of him. The screen went blank when Zayn hit it, but all four boys still heard the sound of shattering glass and there was suddenly falling shards from the bottom of the glass screen. Looking at the small hole Zayn had made, they all realized how incredibly massive the robot was. Zayn stood in the center, but he looked like an ant compared to the massive metal spider.

“Niall!” Zayn hollered from where he was.

“I'm coming!” Niall shouted back, jumping off his bike.

“No, Niall what are you doing?” Liam demanded, trying to stop the blonde. “This is a trap.”

“I'm not going to leave him,” Niall said darkly. He brushed Liam off and took a running start before flying to Zayn and the robot.

“Niall,” Zayn sighed when Niall finally flew up to the shattered hole. “I need you to take Eleanor.” Zayn looked like he was standing on some kind of control panel and he pulled the brunette girl up towards him. “Get her somewhere safe and come back for Perrie. I'm going to try and disable to robot before X gets up,”

“Ok,” Niall said, gathering Eleanor in her arms. The girl had started crying again and she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest. Niall looked at Zayn as if he could see if his friend was lying to him or plotting something.

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