Till Everyone Is Singing La La La La La La La

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~Chase's POV~

I've been on treatment for 6 and 1/2 months. The cancer has shrunk in size thankfully and my doctor believes that in another 6 more months it will be gone for good.

Austin wrapped his arms around my waist as I was fixing dinner. "Chase Lynn, I love you."

I smiled and turned around kissing him softly. Parker came running into the room, "Aunt Brits here!" He squealed. We pulled apart and walked out to see Jaime holding baby Drew and Michael standing, holding his mommas hand. Anna was in her play pin screaming her head off to be picked up and kept saying "Da da da da da." Austin went over and picked her up as I hugged Brit and Jaime.

We watched Disney movie until the kids fell asleep then we took them all up to the kids rooms and laid them down for the night. Us, the adults, watched some scarey movies and soon enough I fell fast asleep on Austin.

The next day I woke up inn our bedroom with Austins arms wrapped tightly around me. Suddenly I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, emptying my stomach of everything I had the night before. This is a regular thing, the chemo they have me on makes me sick sometimes. And I had a radiation yesterday.

Moments later I felt someone lifting my hair back. I glanced back to see Austin with a weak smile on his face. I feel teribble today. I really do. I looked up and saw his  beautiful eyes one last time before I passed out.

~Austin's POV~

She looked so bad as I held her hair back, dark grey and purple under her eyes, pastey skin, her hair had fallen out because of all the chemo. But I still love her more than anything. But suddenly her eyes fell shut and she was limp in my arms.

"Chase?" I said, lightly shaking her. No response, "CHASE?!" Still no response. "BRITNEY! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!"

She came running in the room and was checking for a pulse but couldn't find one, she tried CPR but that still didn't work. Brit sunk against the wall in tears.

I pulled Chase to my chest sobbing. That's when I heard a little voice from the door, "Mommy?" I looked up to see Parker standing there looking scared. "MOMMY?!" He cried running over to us.

~3 days later, Austin's POV~

We are at her funeral. Everyones wearing black, I wasn't going to let Parker come but he begged me to say goodbye to his mommy one last time. We stood there as Britney got up and sang My Immortal in honor of Chase. When she was finished Parker unexpectently took the microphone from Brit and started speaking like a grown man as tears ran down his face. "My mommy was so perfect, She was what daddy calls beautiful. At night when I would have a nightmare mommy would let me sleep with them, She would tell me to close my eyes and think of a happy place. But today there I no happy place. I know if my mommy was here she would tell me to remember the good times, and there are so many to chose from. The night before my mommy died we were watching Disney movies, Mulan, That was her favorite... She told me she had a dream that an angel came to her and told her to say goodbye. She wrote a letter for daddy and told me how to say all the words. Shes here right now and wants me to read it. So here it is."

Tears were running down my face as he aid those words. He spoke again, reading from notebook paper infront of him. "Dear Austin, I knew that it wouldn't be long, epsically after that dream, that you would be standing here in al black, looking handsome as ever. My life a beautiful and well lived. Life is not measured in years, but in how we touch others. And I would like to believe I had a full, beautiful life. And to everyone, thank you for coming here today. I want you all  to help my children remember who I was and how much I loved them. So this is goodbye for now. I love you all so much. Much love, Chase."

Paint ( Austin Carlile ,Of Mice And Men, Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now