Home Sweet Home

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~Britney's POV~

It's been 6 months and I just found out that I'm 2 months pregnant. Jaimes more than excited. OM&M are on tour at the moment which scares Chase because she's due next month but she looks like she's gonna pop any day now.

Me and Jaime have moved in with Chase while Austins away because she doesn't need to be alone when she's this far along and her house is bigger so it's better for Parker to play in. Austin is supposed to be back later today as a surprise for Chase because she thinks he's coming back the week before her due date. So basically he'll be home 4 weeks early.

Right now I'm laying in bed with Jaime, who is talking to Michael, who now know how to say Dada. I smiled and got up, kissing them both on the head and walking to Chase's room, knocking on the door before opening it and walking in.

She was laid out on the bed asleep with Cinderella playing on the tv. Haha. She's just like Austin, she looooooves Disney.

I walked over to the tv and turned it off, tossing the blankets back over her because they fell off and walked out f the room, closing the door behind me. Jaime was standing in front of me smiling with Michael in his hands. "Austin just called," He whispered, "He should be here in about 3 hours." I nodded and pecked his lips softly before grabbing a Mayday Parade CD out of our room and going downstairs putting it in the stereo and turning it up but not loud enough to wakeup Chase.

I started doing the dishes and sang along to a song that Austin always told Chase was their love song.

"We used to be something surreal

Others looked to us for what we built

We were ending until the point

The point in which we fell

We fell by the wayside, and slowly watched ourselves die

A lonely death in which, no one cared and no one came

When the walls cave in we only have ourselves to blame

And even if it's dark at least we'll be together

Slowly sinking in the earth to lay forever

You better grab a hold and hold on for your life

Because you don't get lucky twice

Now even if it's perfect, I can't get carried away

And motivate my tongue in twisted ways

It felt like a good night, for dancing in the moonlight

In empty streets, well, everybody's got a reason why

If we could only just get it right

Maybe it will all work out like in the movies

But I know Romeo must die before the ending

With a final poison kiss delivered gently

Because you don't get lucky twice, and that's the truth

Sing to me sweet, just like my memory

If New York City still moves me

Then I found something real

I'll be okay, I could go on for days

But I just don't have the courage that it takes to be real

And even if it's dark at least we'll be together

Slowly sinking in the earth to lay forever

You better grab a hold and hold on for your life

Because you don't get lucky twice

No, you don't get lucky twice!" I sang as I did the dishes, and dried them.

I put the last dish away and turned to see Jaime smiling at me, "I love your voice." He said, walking over to me, gently caressing my cheek and kissing me.

I chuckled and kissed him back, "Jaime, if I didn't know better I would say you were trying to get laid!" Chase said, laughing as she came around the corner with Michael in her arms and Parker at her side.

Parker ran up to me, "Aunt Britney, can I have a snack?"

I smiled and leaned down to the little boy with big brown eyes just like his father. "Don't you think you should ask your mommy?" I said, messy up his hair with my hand as I stood up.

He looked at Chase, "Mommy please?" He asked, running over to her and hugging her legs.

She smiled, "Alright but nothing sweet, I don't want you jumping around the house like a crazy person today. Ask auntie Britney if she will make you one."

Parker looked at me hopefully, I smiled and nodded. Jaime and Chase went into the living room to put in a movie as I putt little cubes of cheese on a plate with grapes. I leaned down and handed them to him. "Thank you BritBirt!" He smiled big, running into the other room.

As I walked in the other room and curled up next to Jaime as Chase put Michael in his play pin. Parker was sitting in the floor and we were all watching Aladdin.

Suddenly the door swung open to reveal a smiling Austin. Chase had fallen asleep on the couch. But Parker jumped up, "Daddy!" He squealed, running over to him and Austin picked him up immediately.

"Is your mommy asleep?" Austin asked, waving to us.

Parker nodded. Austin chuckled and sat him down, going over to Chase and kissing her softly on the lips and she slowly woke up and gasped, "Austin!" She threw her arms around him and kissed him hard.

I smiled and snapped a picture, "Once again, sorry about ruining the moment, but it's to cute to pass up."

They chuckled and Austin snatched the camera and turned it on me and Jaime snapping a zillion photos. "How do you like it! Oh I'm sorry! The moments to good to pass up!" He said.

We all laughed and Chase grabbed her stomach, bending over. Austin was by her side immediately. "Whats wrong baby?" He asked, placing a hand on her stomach and looking at her.

"Oh, it's nothing, I've just been having sharp little pains. That's all." She smiled.

I raised my eyebrows, "Contractions?" I asked.

She looked at me and her eyes went wide, "I didn't think about that." She gasped again and leaned into Austin.

"Baby are you okay?" He asked.

"I think my water just broke."

Paint ( Austin Carlile ,Of Mice And Men, Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now