Darling It Will Be Okay

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~Britney's POV~

"No Jaime, we've talked about this. I'm not letting you make me stop hanging out with my best friend." i said, starting to get annoyed.

He sighed, "Its not healthy for our baby to be around all the stress."

I rolled my eyes and continued to write.

"Britney, look at me." i sighed and looked up at him. "Im just asking you to keep your distance for the next two months."

"No. Tay needs me." I said before walking away.

I heard him sigh again but i just ignored it. Tay and Austin have been having a rough time cause of Tays depression. They are dealing with it i guess, but not very well.

I was sitting in the living room when there was a knock at the front door. I got up and opened it to find Chase sobbing. "Chase whats wrong?" I asked, quickly pulling her inside.

"A-Austi, wa-wants a div-vorce." She cried into my shoulder.

I rubbed her back, "I'm so sorry hun...Why does he want a divorce?" I asked softly. Jaime walked in the room but stopped once he saw Tay. I looked at him with pleading eyes to let her stay. He nodded and walked out,

"He sa-said he can't h-handle me depression an-nymore."

I can't believe him! Can't deal withe her depression?! He caused it! She was depressed cause she was afraid of losing him and now he's leaving!? Thats just gonna make her worse! UGH!

"Shhh, It'll be alright Chase, just give him some time. He didn't mean it." I said, still rubbing her back.

She started to calm down and left, i tired to get her to stay but she wouldn't listen, she looked like she was dead inside. It made me sad to see my best friend like that. I didn't want her to leave when she's that upset but i couldn't really force her to stay.

~3 hours later Mike Fuentes's POV~

Tony, VIc and I went over to my sister, Brintey's place. We are all hanging out, eating everything in sight, the guys are drinking but for some reason im not tonight. It just feels like i shouldn't tonight, so i'm not.

Jaime had put Michael, the baby, to sleep a while ago so it was just us adults downstiars. Britneys phone was ringing so she got answered it with a smile but it quickly fell from her face. She stood up quickly, "Chase, Where are you? Are you ok?" She said worriedly.

We all just stared at her, "Chase calm down, Where are you?" She paused a second, "Are you drinking?" I stood up and walked over to Brit, "Don't lie to me. Your drinking. What the hell are you thinking by drinking and drive!? I'm coming to get you to kick your ass!"

Suddenly Brits anger vanished and she looked hauntingly sad. "Chase no...Austin doesn't hate you. Please don't do this." Tears were running down her face now.

"Brit what is she doing?" I asked, "Where is she?"

She didn't answer me, "Chase?! Chase answer me dammit!" She paused, "CHASE!?"

I asked her again as she looked at her phone cause Chase hung up, "Where is she? Whats going on?"

She looked up at me sobbing now, "She's back at the bridge, She wants to kill herself Mike...We won't mke it."

All the guys jumped up and i grabbed the keys, Jaime started to follow us out with Brit but i stopped them, "You guys stay here, you don't need to be stressed."

Jaime nodded but Brit freaked out wanting to go but i left, letting Jaime deal with her. We pulled into the park, as soon as we did i saw Chase standing on the other side of the railing, holding on lightly.

We got out of the car and i was about to run to her but Vic stopped me and Tony telling us to stay by the car. He wanted to talk to her. I didn't want to but i nodded.

~Vic's POV~

I lightly jogged over to where Chase was but slowed as i got closer cause i didn't want to scare her into jumping before i could talk her down. I walked up beside her and up my hands on the railing, "Its a beautiful night isn't it" I asked.

She gasped and looked at me with tears running down her face. "V-Vic, what are you doing here?"

I didn't look at her, i just looked at the water about 30 feet bellow us. Thinking about ways to calm her down. "Just taking in the surroundings." I paused for a second, "Chase...what are you doing you have a beautiful daughter and son. They need you Chase. And Austin needs you to, he may not act like it right now but he loves you. And Chase, you are one of the coolest girls i know. I don't want to see you do this to yourself."

She just cried, "I can't do it anymore Vic, i just can't! I can't! I try so hard for everyone and i can't." I gently turned her around so she was facing me, I didn't know what to do so i kissed her hard.

When i pulled away she was staring at me with wide eyes, I didn't kiss her cause i wanted to, i kissed her so she'd come back from the edge. "You don't want me to be the last person you kiss before you die do you?" She just stared at me.

"Darling It Will Be Okay." I said softly. She nodded softly and i helped her back over the railing.

I don't know how i did that but i'm glad.

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