Incomplete and All Alone

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~Chases POV~

Quickly I pushed Jayy away, "Jayy....What the hell was that?!" I asked, stepping backwards. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

He answered but wouldn't look at me, "I really like you ok? I don't know why r how but I know that everytime I see you I get all warm and tingly inside... Is there anyway that you'd be mine?" He asked softly, taking my hands.

My eyes went wide, "I'm sorry Jayy i'm with Dahvie and I really care about him, I couldn't hurt him like that."

Jayy's eyes went bright with haapines and he picked me up and spun me around. I was completely confused. I saw someone come out from the side of the bus, it was Dahvie. Jayy gave me a nuggie. "You passed young child! You are worthy of Dahvie the gummy bear!"

I couldn't help but laugh, "Wait, this was all a test?" I asked. They both nodded and I started laughing even harder. "Well, while you guys are getting ready for your concert im going to get dressed...AGAIN!"

They laughed and waved at me as I walked away. Once I got to the bus I put on neon red leggings and black booty shorts with a black and red Of Mice & Men t-shirt. Then I slipped on my converse that came up to my knees. I re-straightened my hair and redid my make up but this time my eye shadow was black that faded out to red and I had a black line tracing my jaw, and I had thick lines on my neck. Quickly I parted my hair and decided to stay on the bus for a bit.

I was just sitting down with Dahvie's acoustic guitar when I got a text from Austin.

A-hey I have nothing to do. Wanta hang out? I'll come wherever you are.

C-That's cool, i'm on the BOTDF tour bus, don't knock you can just come on in. I'm in the back.

A-Ok, be there soon.

I didn't reply and pulled out an empty notebook and started writing different things that popped into my head. Softly I started strumming to it and singing along softly. I felt someone pearing over my shoulder and looked up to see a smiling Austin. Without a second thought he joined in with me.

"It doesn't take a thunder storm to prove whats right,

You don't have to prove it to me I know it happened that night,

You closed your eyes,

Slowly you slip away,

This is happening to fast,

Don't deny,

It'll all be alright,

For now just breathe,

For now just take a breath and hold my hand,

Whoa..." As we finished what I had written down Austin gave me a hug and said he liked it. I smiled and hugged him back.

"Thanks AusDoves." I said blushing a bit.

He looked confused, "Aus What?"

I giggled at his face because he had his nose wrinkled and looked like a puppy. "AusDoves. I've always been a big fan of your band so I nicknamed you AusDoves when I was 16."

He nodded with a bright smile, "Ok....ChayDoves." I giggled with a yawn.

"I don't know who i'm supposed to be preforming with tonight." I said with a sigh as I fell back on Jayy's bed. I closed my eyes and threw my arms back dramatically.

"Well you could preform with me and the guys. It'd be fun." I opened my grey stormy eyes to see Austin smiling down at me. I jumped up and tackled him in a hug.

Paint ( Austin Carlile ,Of Mice And Men, Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now