Fight For Me

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~Austin's POV~

It's been a month since Brit and Jaime had their baby, It's also been a month since Chase passed out and almost died. The cancer is progressing and she refuses any and all treatment. I've tried talking to her about taking the treatments again but she always has the same answer, "Im tired of fighting, im done."

I've been stressed so much for the last month, every time I hold Anna or hug Parker I want to cry because I know without the treatment their mother won't be with us much longer. So i'm gonna do the only thing I know what to do, I'm calling Jeffree Star.

After three rings he answers, "Hey Austin, How are you?"

I sighed and started to tell him everything, all about the fight and how Chase says she cant do it anymore. He said he was in town and he'd be over in a few minutes.

I packed the kids things and decided to take them to the park while Jeffree was talking to Chase. I walked back to our room where Chase pretty much stays and gave her a kiss. "I'm taking the kids to the park, I'll be home soon. I love you."

She looked up at me and smiled weakly, which broke my heart, "Okay, be safe. I love you to."

I picked up Anna and Parker followed behind me as we walked out the front door and got in the car. Before we took off Jeffree's car pulled up so I got out to talk to him.

"Hey Austin." He smiled sadly, giving me a tight hug. "Is she inside?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yea she is... I'm sorry to make you change your plans last minute but I didn't know who else to call. She refuse all treatment. And the doctors say that in another year he won't be here without it." Tears came to my eyes as I spoke. " I can't raise both of or kids without her Jeffree. I love her so much and she won't listen to me."

He nodded and hugged e again, "I'll talk to her, don't worry. Now you take the munchkins to the park."

I nodded and climbed into the car. God I hope this works.

~Chase's POV~

 I was watching sleeping beauty when there was a light knock on the door frame of our bedroom door. I looked up to see Jeffree with a sad smile on his face. "Hey doll." He said, running over to me and giving me a big, but gentle, hug.

I smiled, wrapping my weak arms around him, "I've missed you Jeffree." I coughed.

He stepped back and gave me a concerned look. "Now babe, why aren't you taking treatment?" He asked out of no where.

I sighed and laid back down on the bed, popping a chip in my mouth. "I can't do it anymore."

He sighed and sat down next to me, pushing my head towards him so I had to look him in the eyes. "Chase, baby doll, You have two beautiful children, and a wonderful husband that need you." He let go of me and picked up a family photo off my nightstand and showed it to me. It was a picture of Austin holding Parker sideways in his arms when Anna was about three months old and I was holding Anna and laughing. "You see this picture?" He asked.

I nodded. He pointed to me, "You see that beautiful woman holding that baby?"

I nodded again. He spoke, "That's Chase Lynn Carlile, One of the strongest most beautiful women I know. She's a fighter... Chase you ARE and fighter. Don't let Parker and Anna grow up knowing their mother went down without a fight because then they will think that's okay. And we both know it's not."

Tears were hot and running down my face but Jeffree quickly wiped them away with his thumb. "Promise me you will fight?"

I nodded, "I Promise Jeffree."

He smiled and pulled me into a hug then laid back on the bed. "Good, Now what are we watching?"

I laughed and laid back. The rest of the night was filled with movies, popcorn and gossip.

When Austin walked in and put the kids down I ran over to him and kisses him hard by surprise. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed back. When we pulled away I looked him in the eyes and smiled, "Will you make me an appointment with my doctor?"

His eyes lit up and he twirled me around, kissing me even more. When he sat e down he smiled, "Of course."

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