Chapter 28

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Mitchell and Colton each grabbed a bag of weapons as Carlos and Sarah walked in the front door. Mitchell could tell right away that Sarah had been crying but she shook her head at him and he let it go for the time being.

"We came as soon as you called." Carlos said. Mitchell nodded and tossed him a bag. Carlos caught it and saw sticky bombs inside. His eyes went wide and he looked up at Mitchell. "Did you toss me a bag full of explosives?!"

"They aren't armed yet so calm down." Colton said as he walked past him and outside to a car that had it's trunk open.

"What's going on?" Sarah asked as she walked over to Maxine.

"You and I are staying here." Maxine said. Sarah looked at Mitchell who gave an authoritative nod and she looked down at her feet.

"Alex would attempt to kill me if I let you go Maxine. And I'm not letting my sister get involved in my problem." Mitchell said. Sarah nodded to show she understood. Mitchell turned his attention to Carlos who was extremely confused.

"Let's go homie." Mitchell said. "You're driving." Mitchell told Carlos as he walked by him to the car. He placed his bag of weapons in the car and got into the passenger seat while Colton was sitting in the backseat.

"I'll be back mi amor." Carlos said as he winked at Sarah. She just smirked and shook her head as he left the house and placed the bag of bombs in the back seat with Colton. He got into the driver's seat, turned the key, and took off.

* * *

"Thanks for picking me up man." Alex said as he got into Leo's car. Bruises had began to form on Alex's face and Leo's eyebrows were raised while his mouth was hanging open.

"Jesus nigga you look terrible." Leo said. He started the engine and shook his head. "Where we goin'?" Alex pulled out his phone and showed Leo the address and he nodded. The two started heading towards the meetup point, as silence filled the car.

"I killed CK."

"I killed Pablo." The two said at nearly the same time. Leo's eyes went wide and Alex turned his head to look at him. "Damn nigga, seems like we've been busy."

Alex laughed and combed his hair back with his hand. "I guess so." he said as he stared out the window. "I was close to getting him. I just wasn't fast enough."

"You talkin' 'bout the mayor?" Leo asked. "Man don't piss and moan over that. We 'bouta put a cap in that bitch's ass right now."

"What about Rory? Tank? Jorge? We still would have to worry about them." Alex said.

"If we can take out this dude, those guys will go right after eachother. So let's focus on the mayor." Leo said. Alex nodded and silence yet again took over.

* * *

Catherine pulled up next to a small convenience store and got out of her car. She could see Heath leaning against a black Bravado Buffalo and he kept looking both ways, probably expecting someone. Catherine began to walk up to him and he looked in her direction. She waved and he smiled at her.

"Thought you skipped town pretty lady." Heath said.

"If you're gonna flirt it can wait until after this." Catherine said. Heath seemed to have a look of defeat wash over his face but he quickly negated that by smiling again.

"The others are coming soon." Heath said.

"What exactly are we doing?" Catherine asked. Heath chuckled and pointed to the large construction site. Catherine looked at it and Heath told her the plan.

"We are destroying that." Heath said. Just then, Mitchell's car pulled up and the three passengers got out. Mitchell pulled out a weapon bag and handed an Assault Rifle to Catherine and Colton. He then handed each a pistol, giving one to Heath and Carlos as well.

Leo and Alex pulled up right after and walked over to the others, being handed the same weapons as Colton and Catherine.

"It's a fucking reunion ain't it." Mitchell said as he looked at everyone.

"Aw don't go gettin' all sappy on me white dude." Leo said as he smiled at him. He cocked the Assault Rifle and Alex did the same. Everyone looked at the large construction building and saw a figure standing on the roof, and they all felt as though that the figure was staring right back at them.

"So the plan exactly is?" Alex asked. Mitchell looked at him and everyone else in the circle they had formed.

"Heath and Carlos you got bomb duty. Plant those fuckers all around the base of the construction site. Any support beams, double bomb those. Catherine and Leo you'll be the front force. You are taking the private army on each floor. You'll be a distraction."

"Gee thanks." Catherine said.

"Me, Alex, and Colton will take the elevator up, which is expected. But I doubt he'd kill us right away without going on some big boring speech. Kill everyone that you can. These fuckers put us through hell, not a walk through the park."

"I could use one of those after all this." Colton said with a snicker. Everyone looked at him and he seemed to feel attacked. "I can't make sarcastic jokes too?"

"It doesn't seem right." Alex said.

"Ah let the guy have his moment." Mitchell said. "Now here's some advice. Avoid bullets. And if you die I got one thing to say, fight it. No one is dying here, because if you do I'll resurrect you myself and kill you again."

"Alright grandpa let's get a fucking move on." Alex said with a smile. Mitchell slapped him in the back of the head and began to walk towards the construction site. The group of seven walked in one straight line, holding weapons or bags of bombs. As they got closer to the construction site, Colton and Mitchell got down on one knee and began to fire at the private army that was in sight.

Carlos and Heath ran into the gated off area and took cover while Alex and Catherine ducked behind a pile of wood set up. Leo kneeled down next to Mitchell and Colton and began to fire as well. Alex and Catherine poked their heads up one after the other, shooting when they had a shot available. Soldiers on the first level began to fall down, not realizing what was happening.

"Alex, let's move!" Mitchell shouted out. He and Colton ran to the elevator which was on the opposite side of where Alex was.

"Don't die." Catherine said with a smile and she began to fire at the private army. Alex stood up and sprinted after Mitchell, reaching the elevator. The three entered it as Leo ran over and slid next to to Catherine. Heath and Carlos ran underneath the first floor where it was being held up by concrete pillars.

"This may take a lot of bombs." Carlos said.

"We got plenty amigo. Don't worry." Heath said with a smile. He dropped his bag while Carlos dropped his and the two began to run around the bottom.

"You ready?" Leo asked.

"Not really but it's now or never." Catherine said. Leo ran over to the ramp that took you to the first floor. He slowly crouch walked up and saw that only a few men were left and they were retreating to the second floor. Catherine ran up with him as they walked over to a ramp that led up to the second floor.

"Here goes nothing." Leo said as he began to walk up the second ramp.

"Wanna rock paper scissors for who gets the killing shot?" Alex asked the other two as the elevator slowly went upward.

"I get the final shot." Colton said.

"Fuck both of you. I get to kill this prick." Mitchell said. Alex shook his head as the elevator came to a stop and the three readied their guns.

"Don't die boys." Mitchell said as the doors slowly slid open and the three slowly walked out.

Gunfire filled the air, from the bottom of the building all the way to the top floor of it.   

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