Chapter 20

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Mitchell drove through multiple stoplights as he made his way back to his house. He pulled up outside in one of the worst parking jobs and got out before entering it. It was the way he left it, a total wreck. He walked down to the basement where he had Colton tied up and looked at him. He was unconscious and had dry blood all over his face. Mitchell picked him up off of the chair and wrapped a bandana around his eyes so he was blindfolded. Mitchell then picked him up in a fireman's carry and carried him up the steps and to his car.

"We are going to a new home." Mitchell said. "Where you are gonna' talk about everything you know." He dumped Colton into the backseat, who was still hogtied, and got back in the driver's seat before taking off.

"What happened to Lance?" Colton asked in a dry raspy voice. Mitchell glanced at the mirror and smirked.

"Your short stubby friend? No idea." Mitchell said as he kept driving.

"Me and him... we meant to get away. Before stuff like this happened." Colton said.

"Well you should've hiked out of town sooner. Now look at the fuckin' mess you got yourself into." Mitchell said. "Your biggest mistake was taking my sister."

"I get it. We fucked up." Colton said. "Just make sure once I'm dead, Paul goes down." This caught Mitchell's interest however. He raised an eyebrow and looked back in the mirror again.

"Save this kind of talk for when we get to where we are going. Then we can make some deals." Mitchell said.

* * *

"Hey about yesterday..." Alex said as he walked over to Catherine who was sitting on the balcony.

"Don't bother apologizing." Catherine said.

"I didn't want to go against anyone, it's just we need to be smart. We don't know exactly who we are dealing with." Alex said as he sat down next to her.

"We are dealing with a sly, arrogant, manipulative, bastard. This shithead needs a bullet to the brain before he can ruin anyone else's lives." Catherine said. "I can do it myself if I need to."

"You don't have to. We are in this all together now, like it or not." Alex said. "I just think we should be on the same page."

"Well if you wanna join my page, try and convince the others to leave this shitty place." Catherine said as she stood up and walked back inside. Alex sat there for a moment and nodded his head.

"I was never the smooth talker. Should've let someone else handle that." Alex said to himself. "Fuck me, right?"

"Are you... Are you talking to yourself?" Sarah asked as she appeared in the doorway. Alex quickly turned around and shook his head no before walking inside. Sarah smirked and closed the screen door behind her.

* * *

"I want men out at all times looking for those faces." Jorge ordered his men. Vans were loaded up with as many Aztecas as they could hold, and as soon as they were full, they'd drive off into the city looking for the targets.

"No man can rest until we find at least one of them." Jorge said. "Pablo. Miguel. On me. We have business of our own to handle." He waved a finger and the two began to follow right behind him.

"What is it boss?" Pablo asked.

"It's the Mayor. He's called in his pawns." Jorge said.

* * *

"I want half of you out there lookin' for these fools while the other half takes out any Aztecas you see. Don't let those dirty fuckers' take over our city. They got the desert, we can't let 'em have both." Tank said. "If you find Lil Mikey bring him to me. Leo, shoot on sight."

"Tank, we bein' called in." CK said as he walked out onto the street. Tank nodded as the Ballas filled their muscle cars and roared the engines. They sped off into the city as Tank saw Rory waiting in a Bravado Buffalo.

"Let's get goin' nigga you know the boss man don't like to wait." Rory said as he honked the horn.

"Man calm the fuck down." Tank said as he got in with CK.

* * *

The three Ballas' busted into the Mayor's office at City Hall where Jorge, Pablo, Miguel, Donny, and Lance stood with Paul sitting behind his desk. The three lined up with the others as Paul smiled and nodded to each of them. He looked down at the papers on his desk and finished signing some things before standing up and buttoning his suit jacket.

"I'm glad you all could make it." Paul said. "I know things have been tense and stressful since our problems escaped."

"You could say that again." Tank said as he fist bumped Rory. Paul smirked and nodded his head.

"It's been stressful for me. You see, I don't want these people dead because I'm a dick. No I originally wanted one person dead. But in order to get you gang leaders to agree, I needed to up the ante and allowed you to take out whoever you wanted without police noticing. And because you failed at that you got your problems mixed in with mine. Now I've got a small army silently waiting for me to slip so they can shove the spear right through my Goddamn heart." Paul said as he looked at each person with stone cold eyes.

"I get it. You guys have reputations. People to satisfy. But your main priority from now on is doing whatever the fuck I say. Obviously I'm not taken too seriously around here so I'll have to show you my bad side. I want those fuckers brought into me so I can shoot them in the head one by one." Paul said. He stared at Tank, then at Rory, then to Jorge. He stopped and went back to Tank who was smiling.

"What?" Paul asked.

"I like seeing the Mayor as a bad dude." Tank said.

"I'm not a bad dude. Not yet." Paul said. He reached behind his back and smiled. "You wanna see a bad dude?"

"I didn't mean anything by it dog." Tank said. Paul pulled out a golden pistol and aimed at the roof.

"No you wanted to see the bad dude right Tank?" Paul asked.

"Nigga calm the fuck down." Tank said.

"But didn't you want this? You wanted the bad dude as your boss, not the friendly mayor. So you've got the bad dude." Paul said.

"You need to put that gun down." CK said.

"Just fucking chill out dude." Tank also said.

"We are gonna' do this shit just give us time." Rory added in.

"I need you fuckers to take me serious. And I know just how that will be done." Paul said. He lowered the gun and Tank immediately closed his eyes as he heard a shot be fired. After that two more came out of the clip. Tank opened his eyes and looked down at his body to see he was fine. He then followed everyone else's gaze to Lance who had two bullet holes in his chest and one in the stomach. His mouth hung open with blood slowly pouring out of it as he dropped to his knees. He tried to reach behind him for his pistol but Paul aimed his gun at Lance's head.

"I heard your little phone conversation. Some loyal assistant you are. Have fun rotting 6 feet under." Paul said. He pushed Lance's face to the ground causing him to fall over completely as a puddle of blood formed on his floor.

"Now if you fuckers think that I'm still joking around you'll be next." Paul said. "Clean this fucking mess up and bring me those stupid fucks who are ruining my plans." 

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