Chapter 22

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"Man we are never going to fucking find them in this city." Miguel said as he and Pablo had spent hours cruising around looking for Carlos and his friends. Pablo pulled up next to the curb and looked out his window, his eyes getting wide. "This city is too damn huge. Like really-"

"Aye, ese, shut the fuck up man. Look over there." Pablo said as he ducked slightly and pointed towards a small apartment complex. Miguel followed his finger and looked at the light blue building. He saw two people walk out of a storage shed and head up some stairs. Both Aztecas soon realized who they were and Pablo grabbed his phone.

"That's them right? Those two pendejos on the list?" Miguel asked.

"Si hermano. Now we just wait for backup." Pablo said as he put the phone up to his ear. "Boss, we got 'em."

"Perfect." Jorge said from the other end. "As soon as my men join you, kill them all."

* * *

Alex stood up from the bed and pulled a black t-shirt over his head. He looked down at the bed where Maxine was sound asleep with a blanket wrapped around her. He smiled to himself and left her to sleep, walking out into the living room.

"Morning." Sarah said as she stood in the kitchen. Mitchell, Catherine, Leo, and Lil Mikey were all sitting on the couch. As Alex walked into to join the others, Carlos walked out of Heath's room as well.

"Buenos dias amigos." he said with a smile. He slapped Alex on the shoulder and walked into the kitchen as well, winking at Sarah. Sarah smiled at him and left the kitchen, going to the couch to join the others.

"So what's on the agenda today?" Alex asked as he poured himself orange juice. "Run into a grocery store with a mask on and quickly buy some food?"

"Funny." Mitchell said, glaring back at him. "Not the type of stuff I was hoping to hear out of your mouth kid."

"And what did you expect?" Leo asked looking at Mitchell.

"An actual idea." Mitchell said. Alex smirked and walked over to the group who were watching some old comedy TV show. Lil Mikey and Leo sat on one end of the couch. Catherine sat next to Leo, with Carlos next to her and then Sarah and Mitchell on the other end.

"Guys..." Heath said in an extremely raspy voice. "Guys!"

Alex, turned his head as Mitchell and Carlos jumped up. The three ran to Heath's room where he was hunched over looking out the window. Alex crouched next to him and looked out the window, seeing what he saw.

Outside, a line of fifteen Azteca gang members slowly moved towards the apartment holding Carbine Rifles. Behind them were Pablo and Miguel. Miguel had a sawed-off shotgun while Pablo held a Heavy Pistol. Then behind those two, ten more Azteca gang members slowly marched forward, aiming Carbine Rifles at the apartment as well.

"What the fuck?" Leo asked, standing behind everyone. Catherine immediately pulled a pistol out that was tucked between her pants and shirt. She cocked it and began to leave the apartment when Alex stopped her. He ran after her and grabbed her wrist, pulling her back inside.

"Do you want to die?" Alex asked.

"I wanna kill those sons of bitches." Catherine said.

"Kids right." Mitchell said. "We are dead either way." Mitchell grabbed the pistol from Catherine's hand and cracked his neck.

"You guys get out of here. Go down from the balcony. I'll keep them distracted."

"Don't be dumb old man." Lil Mikey said.

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