Chapter 8

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Alex stood up from the damp grass and stared at the headstone for one final minute. His mind stopped thinking back to the events that led to this moment and he was now back in the present. He began to walk away from the cemetery as he watched Daisy's car drive off. He knew she was leaving the city and Alex felt bad because it was his fault her and her kids had no father or husband.

"Stupid fucking idiot." Alex said to himself. He remembered that even after torturing the gang member, he had no idea who was behind the killing. He had no leads, no help whatsoever.

"I'm gonna have to find the shooter." Alex decided. "There's no one else who would know anything."

* * *

Catherine was lying on the couch in her apartment in Del Perro Heights. She had just gotten back from a police officer's funeral that she had barely known, but it was still nice of her to go. Now that she wasn't a cop she had nothing to do but lie around and watch television. She sat up and walked over to the large glass window she had in her apartment which overlooked the whole city. She stood there for a moment and sighed.

"I need to get my life back." Catherine said. She walked away from the window and grabbed a jacket before walking out of her apartment.

* * *

"Ayo Rory check this shit out." Tank said as Rory walked into Tank's house. Rory walked over to Tank who was standing over a piece of paper with two other Ballas standing next to me.

"Who are these guys?" Rory asked tensing up.

"Chill man. They my niggas. They cool. We got Lil Mikey." Tank said pointing to the much shorter gangster. He had a goatee and was bald. He wore a chain that nearly hung to the floor along with a basketball jersey that did the same. Rory looked him up and down skeptically and Lil Mikey went bug eyed.

"You eyein' me up nigga? I'll bust yo ass I swear." Lil Mikey said as the other Balla stopped him from walking towards Rory. "You lucky my boy holdin' me back or I'd shove yo foot so far up ya ass it come out ya mouth."

"What the fuck..." Rory said.

"He's a bit crazy." Tank said.

"Whatchu say?!" Lil Mikey yelled. Tank looked at him and raised an eyebrow causing Lil Mikey to back off.

"My bad. I didn't mean anything by it. My rep you know I'm sayin' man? I gotta maintain it. I'm not crazy!" Lil Mikey said as he flopped down onto the couch. Tank shook his head and placed his hand on the unnamed Ballas shoulder.

"And this is CK. That stands for Cop Killer. This is the nigga we had dress up as a member of the Families and kill that one cop who was buried today. Sure he wasn't our target, but our nigga CK got a rep now!" Tank said slapping his back. CK smiled and nodded before sitting down next to Lil Mikey.

"What's this piece of paper man?" Rory asked, completely changing the subject.

"This list is Jesse's close contacts. Everyone he had close to him is right on this list, and you know what? We are going to take out each one of them." Tank said.

"Doesn't that mean..." Rory began to say.

"We're killin' Leo, I know. I don't feel guilty about it. We'll be doin' the world a favor." Tank said. "You two," Tank said pointing to Lil Mikey and CK, "sattle up. You are gonna take him out. Go find him."

"You got it boss." CK said.

"Let's go fuck this nigga!" Lil Mikey shouted. The three gangsters looked at him and his eyes went wide. A nervous smile formed on his face and he began to fumble with his words. "Come on guys... Not like... You know I don't roll that way... I meant let's pop a cap in his ass... You know? Shoot him? Kill him? Guys?" Lil Mikey tried to explain as the three left the house.

* * *

Alex was sitting on his couch staring at a TV that wasn't turned on. His suit jacket was tossed on the floor and his shirt was all the way unbuttoned. He had an empty beer bottle on the couch next to him and one that was about to be empty in his hand. As he was about to finish it off, a knock on the door took his attention away from the bottle. He slowly stood up and walked over to the door. Alex then looked through the peephole and saw it was his ex-girlfriend, Maxine. He opened the door and walked away from it as Maxine took a step in.

"Jesus, you look terrible." Maxine said.

"Thanks. If I knew you were coming I would've freshened up." Alex said. He sat down on the couch as Maxine sat next to him.

"I know it's difficult right now but it will get better eventually." Maxine said.

"He was my best friend... And it's my fault he got killed." Alex said.

"It's not your fault." Maxine said as she ran her hand through his hair.

"It was, because of those fucking gangbangers." Alex said.

"Wait what?" Maxine asked.

"They showed up on my doorstep and must've assumed Chris was me and shot him. Which means I'm gonna be dead soon enough. You shouldn't come by anymore... I don't want you to die." Alex said.

"So you're just gonna bend over and let them kill you?" Maxine asked.

"What does it look like?" Alex asked.

"Did Chris help pick you back up for nothing? Remember when you were running around selling drugs for those gangbangers and getting the shit kicked out of you, but he was there to help you?" Maxine asked.

"Yeah I do, and it was a waste of his time." Alex said. Maxine stood up and grabbed a pillow off the couch. She hit Alex in the head with it, finally getting him to look at her.

"Man the fuck up. Before I ki-" Maxine was saying but was cut off half way through. Outside the sound of a car stopping and two guys talking caught both Alex's and Maxine's attention.

* * *

Around the same time that Maxine had got to Alex's house, Leo was walking down the street towards his grandma's house when a black Patriot pulled up in front of him on the sidewalk. Leo raised his arms up and began to yell.

"Yo what the fuck kind of parking job is this?" Leo yelled. Lil Mikey and CK came out of the passenger and driver seat pointing pistols at Leo. Leo dropped the grocery bag he was holding and his eyes went wide.

"Oh shit, what the fuck is this?" Leo asked.

"This is a message from Tank, BITCH!" Lil Mikey yelled with a piece of paper in his hand. CK looked back at him then to Leo, and did a double take.

"Did you bring the paper with you?!" CK yelled.

"Was... Was I not supposed to?" Lil Mikey asked. He put both hands on the piece of paper, accidentally firing the gun. "OH SHIT!" Lil Mikey yelled as he dropped both the pistol and the paper. Leo ran at CK and shoved him into Patriot, making him bang his head hard. He then grabbed both the pistol and piece of paper before running away from the Patriot where he could hear Lil Mikey screaming in the distance.

Once he was a good enough distance away, he looked down at the paper and saw the second name on the list along with an address.

"Man this means I gotta save this nigga's ass along with mine." Leo said. He began to run again heading for the address on the paper. 

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