Chapter 15

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Mitchell sat in his living room as the front door was opened and Colton walked in. Mitchell looked up from his phone and nodded at Colton who nodded back and looked around the house. Mitchell put his phone in his pocket and stood up as Colton walked over to him, shutting the door behind him.

"Hey man what's going on?" Mitchell asked looking right past Colton at Alex who had been behind the door. Alex began to slowly and silently walk up behind Colton.

"Boss actually has a plan for us today." Colton said as he began reaching into his suit jacket. "Well mostly a plan for you. No hard feelings Mitchell."

"Wait!" Mitchell shouted as Colton pulled out a pistol with a silencer on it. Alex stopped where he was standing as he raised the butt of the gun up over his head.

"Don't prolong this Mitchell." Colton said aiming the gun at Mitchell.

"I just want it to be heard that you will regret this." Mitchell said. He immediately smacked the gun out of Colton's hand. Colton punched Mitchell in the stomach, but was hit on the back by the butt of the gun Alex was holding. Colton turned around and smacked that gun out of his hand.

"You son of a whore." Colton said. He elbowed Mitchell in jaw and quickly kicked Alex in the stomach. Mitchell instantly grabbed for his chin and Alex stumbled back as Colton continued his attack.

"Mitchell! I think we fucked up!" Alex said. He ducked a punch that Colton threw at him. He fired back with his own punch, hitting Colton in the stomach. Mitchell spun Colton around and punched him across the face, but Colton seemed to take it fine and punched Mitchell in the stomach and then hit him with an uppercut. Mitchell stumbled back and leaned against the sliding doors as Alex ran and jumped onto Colton's back. He put Colton in a headlock and Mitchell socked him in the stomach.

Alex got off his back and kicked him in the back of knee, causing Colton to drop to his knees. Mitchell thought quickly and grabbed a vase near him and smashed it over Colton's head, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Get that rope and help me tie this fucker up." Mitchell said. Alex nodded and the two began their way of getting information.

* * *

Leo quickly turned the car, causing it to drift. He then sped down the dirt road in front of him as two large black Declasse Grangers chasing after him. He then turned down a small alley, noticing that the Aztecas large SUV's couldn't follow him into this alley. Leo thought on his feet and jumped out of the car as it kept driving. He did a couple rolls on the ground before stopping and looking up as the Aztecas followed the car that continued to go down the road but became slower and slower.

"Damn nigga that was close." Leo said. He pulled the walkie talkie out of his pocket and tried getting in contact with Alex. "Yo, Alex you there?... Dog, you best not be dead." Leo said into the walkie. He put it back in his pocket and began to head towards a small motel building that was across the road. He saw the Aztecas circle back and Leo quickly jumped into a bush, hoping to avoid them.

* * *

"What's the plan Rory?" CK asked as he cocked a gun back. Lil Mikey sat in the backseat of the car the three were in while Rory was in the drivers seat. Rory had the radio blasting and was bobbing his head to the current song that was playing.

"We gon' find that girl that Alex was hangin' with." Rory said.

"How the hell we gonna find her in this big of a city?" CK asked.

"I know a place Leo has that he used to hide out at after he pulled off stuff for the gang." Rory said.

"Why is it me and my nigga CK always getting these girls man. I wanna be poppin some dudes! Know what I'm sayin'?!" Lil Mikey basically shouted piping into the conversation. CK looked back at him with a disgusted face as Lil Mikey realized what he said.

"Man... Fuck! Y'all know that's not what I meant! I like gettin' girls I meant why can't we fight someone!" Lil Mikey said. CK just shook his head as Rory parked in front of a rundown apartment complex. The three exited the cars and slammed the doors, before walking into the building.

"This girl is short, black hair, and that's all I could tell. All I saw was her running away. Didn't get a good look." Rory said as the trio walked onto the second floor and began going down the hall.

It was completely empty despite for one short girl with jet black hair trying to unlock a door with keys in one hand and a grocery bag in another. She looked up and in the direction of Rory, Lil Mikey, and CK and her eyes went wide.

"I'm guessing that's her?" CK asked. Maxine dropped her bag and started sprinting down to the opposite end of the hall.

"Someone go after her!" Rory ordered. Lil Mikey instantly started sprinting after her yelling as he did.

"Ayo! Bitch, get back here!" Lil Mikey shouted down the hall as he followed her.

* * *

"Fuck it, I can't let him die." Carlos said as he grabbed his cellphone and began to dial a number. He waited for someone to answer and finally the ringing stopped and Carlos' heart began to race. Beads of sweat dripped down his forehead as he heard the voice on the other end.

"Hello who is this?" Jorge asked from the other end as he stood on the balcony which was on the second floor of a motel building.

"Jorge, it's Carlos." Carlos said as he licked his lips and his hand tensed on the phone.

"Carlos? Why have you decided to contact me all of a sudden?" Jorge asked smiling wickedly.

"You have my friend Jorge, and I know that's not who you really want. If you let him go I'll give myself up." Carlos said.

"Really? You'll come in with no fight?" Jorge asked.

"No fight at all. I'll go peacefully." Carlos said. Jorge smiled and nodded his head.

"Alright. Meet me at the motel in 20 minutes. You know, the one the Aztecas own." Jorge said.

"I'll be there, just make sure Heath is there too." Carlos said. He hung up the phone and put into his pocket as he grabbed a keyring off the coffee table. He walked out the door and to his own car that he had brought down from Sandy Shores.

Meanwhile, at the motel, Jorge was still smiling as he had the phone on speaker the whole time so his men could hear. They began to get into an ambush position as Leo looked up from the bush he was still hiding in, shaking his head.

"That dude just signed his own death certificate." Leo said.

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