1-Petty boy

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The shutter sounds of the camera fills the white studio. A man is standing before a wall decorated with colourful roses and golden jewellery. Each time the shutter makes a sound the man changes facial expression and position.

"Great, beautiful, perfect," are the comments he received. A satisfied smile appears on his lips.

"And that's it for today," the cameraman says as he move towards the computer screen.

Two ladies rush to the model and help him with his clothes and his make-up.

"Mr Kim, would you like to check your photos?"

"No, I'm fine,"

The model walks into his fitting room and quickly undresses .Then he get dressed in a dark green shirt and a black suit. All matching with a silver Rolex watch.

As he is about to exit the room, he witnesses a young man, wearing a black shirt and ripped jeans talking with the cameraman. He shrugs off and keep walking until he arrives in front of his car.

"To your home sir?" The driver asks.

"No office," he responds as he stares blankly at the car window.

He is now standing in front of a glass door. He hesitates before knocking. Inside, there are two men. One is sitting on a leather chair behind a desk. The other one is standing.

"Taehyung, good morning,"

"Good morning father,"

His father gestures him to sit. Taehyung, as he sit, glares at the man beside him.

"Jin you can leave us now,"

Jin excuses himself and leave.

"Son, I have something to announce to you,"

Taehyung crosses his legs and nods .

"As you know, I will retire my position of president at the end of the year,"

Taehyung bit the inside of his lips as he is listening to his father.

"I have to design someone to become my successor,"

Taehyung uncrosses his legs and sit straight on his chair, also stick out his chest.

"And I decided that it will be..."

Taehyung waited for this moment for a long time. His eyes widens with impatience.

"Kim Seokjin,"

The information came as if glass was broken, but it was Taehyung's expectations that were broken.


"We've been talking about this matter earlier and I think he is suitable for this position since he has more experience and..."

The rest of his talk didn't reach Taehyung's ears. He blocks everything. He realizes that once again he lost to his brother. He will never be able to win against him, that will never happen.

"Do you agree?"

Taehyung looks at his father in confusion.


He leaves the office with pain and hopelessness. He has nothing to hope or dream about anymore. He takes out of his suit pocket his phone and dials a number.

"Jimin? Yeah let's hang out later, I'll tell you later,"

Later have come and Taehyung is sitting with best friend Jimin on a vintage bar stool inside an underground bar that only a few people knew about. It was frequently visited by politicians or celebrities.

"That Jin?" Jimin asks

"Yeah," Taehyung replies as he emptied the rest of whisky in his glass.

"But why?"

Taehyung sighs and asks for another glass of whisky. Once he receives his new glass he takes another sip of the burning liquid.

"I don't know,"

Jimin exhales and stares at his friend. Taehyung eyes are drowsy. The younger worked had to meet his father's expectations. He wanted to show how much he was capable of by doing various jobs. He started modelling because his father told him so. He did everything. But, his father would never choose him. It is always Kim Seokjin.

"Another," Taehyung demands.

"Tae, you should stop, you have work tomorrow right?"

"Work? What work? I am finished Jimin,"

Taehyung stands up from his chair but when he tries to walk straight, he stumbles. He was about to crash his head onto the wooden floor if Jimin didn't catch him.

"Let's go back home," Jimin says firmly.

The next day Taehyung wakes up in his king sized bed with the sun rays hitting his eyes. He sits and checks the time. It is past ten o'clock. He yawns and looks for his phone which he finds on the nightstand. There are a great number of calls from his manager and then he sees Jimin's message.

"Last night you were so drunk so I drove you back home. Forget about the issue with you father and try to focus on your current work. Let's hang out again."

Taehyung sighs and throws back his head on the soft mattress.

"Should I really continue like this?"

He stands up and enters the bathroom. After showering, he calls back his manager, who scolds him for not answering his phone and tells him that the driver will come to fetch him. He dresses neatly, wearing a light blue shirt and black pants. The weather is too hot to wear a suit so he exits his apartment with this outfit.

He arrives at the shooting location where his manager walks towards him angrily.

"Taehyung, do you know what "punctuality" means?"

"Ah Hoseok, I'm not in the mood to listen to you bickering"

"Anyway, follow me quickly, they are all waiting for you,"

Taehyung follows Hoseok to the studio and he enters the fitting room without greeting anyone. He let the make-up artist doing her work while the stylist is running from one point to another picking the best clothes for Taehyung.

"Do I really have to wear this? It looks cheap." Taehyung says.

"But sir, it is the brand's clothes."

"They don't have anything better?"

The stylist keep her head low as she is unable to answer. Taehyung huffs, he can't bear to see unprofessional people around him.

"If you don't find something else, I'll leave," he is about to walk away when he hears:

"Then leave, you and your petty self,"

Taehyung turns to see a young man, an inch or two taller than him with a well-built body. His dark eyes glares straight at Taehyung.

"What did you say?"


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