STARRY NIGHT || ksj+jhs

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"Daddy?" Little Jimin asked as he made himself comfortable on his dad's lap, waiting for him to come tuck him in, with his mom already in Taehyung's bedroom on the rocking chair Namjoon's great granddad had made many years ago.

"Yeah?" Namjoon had snapped out of his thoughts before looking to the boy on his lap, smiling at him. "Mama telled me daddy would telled Jimin a story!" Jimin happily said, tilting his head when his father started laughing. "He telled you? I think he told you squirt." Jimin continued to tilt his head before shrugging.

"Telled?" He asks, watching Namjoon shake his head and tickle his stomach, causing him to squirm and giggle. "Nope, it's told." Namjoon carries him into his bedroom, where Hoseok had sat with the normal bedtime storybook in his lap.

"I thoughts it was telled, daddy!" He says loudly, not minding the fact that his brother, Yoongi was already fast asleep in bed, to which Namjoon had shushed him by putting his long finger to Jimin's lips and makes an "shh" sound, only to have Jimin copy his actions and push his short chubby baby finger to his lips.

"Mommy, is it telled or told?" Jimin had asked once Namjoon had set Jimin down on his pirate themed bed. "It's told sweetie," Hoseok smiled at the boy before getting up and coming over to tuck him in.

"Alright champ, what story would you like tonight?" Namjoon had taken the seat in the rocking chair as Hoseok snuggled behind Jimin to brush his hair back. "The story of the stars and the sky!" He loudly and proudly says.

Hoseok raises an eyebrow while looking to Namjoon who only gets a wink from him. Namjoon had memorized the story he had written for Yoongi and Jimin in secret, it was a metaphor of his and Hoseok's relationship- the stars representing Hoseok and the sky Namjoon.

"It was very long ago when the stars and the sky came to be, the stars shone so brightly and the sky loved it, but the sky was scared. The sky was scared of hurting the stars, scared the stars would laugh at the sky if they knew how dear they were to the sky.

The sky didn't know the stars were equally scared, maybe even a bit more than the sky. The sky loved the way the stars danced, the moonlight reflecting off of each and every movement they made. They were breathtaking, even if the stars didn't believe the sky."

"Why did they not believed the sky?" Jimin pouted looking to Namjoon, like he hadn't ever asked it before. "Because the stars were told all their lives they'd never make it, but the sky thought different, in the sky's eyes, they knew they had." Jimin squeals tiredly, followed by a loud "aw".

"Finish the story dada!" He then smiles, curling up and closing his eyes as Hoseok ran his fingers through his strands. "Alright Minnie, but after this, you have to sleep." Jimin just replies with a sleepy nod, snuggling into Hoseok's warmth.

"It felt like centuries when the stars began to believe the sky, whenever the sky told the stars how beautiful they were, it was like they shone brighter and twinkled more. It didn't take much longer for the stars and the sky's family to grow, first, it started with a very bright start then the cutest baby star, the stars would be the best mom and the sky the best dad,

And that, Jimin, is how the stars and the sky became one." Namjoon finishes to see both Jimin and Hoseok asleep, only to come over to Hoseok and carefully unwrap him from Jimin to carry him into their room.

Awakening on the way, Hoseok had clung to Namjoon and puffed out his cheeks. "You're so cheesy," He mumbles nuzzling into Namjoon's neck with a soft sigh. "I love that about you, though." His words come out muffled but Namjoon could still understand, he loved Hoseok just as much.

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