LEGEND || jjk+jhs

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"Ah!~ Stop, I'm scared!" The youngest of the three whined as their dad continued to tell a scary story, which Youngjae really hates. He hates when his dad and older brother, Jinyoung scare him.

"BAH!" Jinyoung shouts in Youngjae's face, causing the boy to shout and start crying. "Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Jinyoung! You better not be scaring my baby again," Their mom, Hoseok scolded the two, having the toddler Yugyeom propped up on his hip.

"M-Mommy!" He wails, running away from Jinyoung and Jungkook who were cackling at his reaction. "Come here sweetie, I'll take you away from these meanies," He coos, lifting up Youngjae and giving Jungkook the look.

"Alright, that was fun and all, but now we've gotta apologize to Youngjae," Jungkook seriously says, fearing that his love would skin him alive if they didn't make Youngjae feel safe again.

"Jae, it's alright," Hoseok sighs softly, putting the four-year-old on his lap after putting Yugyeom in his playpen, then sitting down. It upset him when his husband would participate with Jinyoung's doings, knowing that Youngjae took after Hoseok and was afraid of everything.

"D-daddy, Jinyoung are meanies!" He cries into Hoseok's chest, as Hoseok rubs his back and sh's him. "It's okay baby, mommy's got you." He says softly, glaring at Jungkook from his spot.

"Youngjae, hey squirt," Jungkook starts, sitting down next to Hoseok and petting the boy's hair. "It's okay, nothing bad will happen, it's just a story." He softly says, still petting his hair.

"D-Daddy is a meanie!" He chokes out, clinging to Hoseok while sniffling, his little body shaking. "Yeah, daddy is." Jungkook sighs, looking from Youngjae to Hoseok already knowing what he'll say. "You wanna put daddy and Jinyoungie in time out?" He asked.

Youngjae sniffled and nodded, looking up at Hoseok then glaring at Jungkook. Jungkook just raises an eyebrow, finding his son way too cute to be scary. "Alright baby, pick out where daddy and Jinyoung will sit," Hoseok lifts Youngjae up and lets him waddle around.

"Jungkook will sit for twenty-six minutes and Jinyoung will sit for six minutes." Hoseok pinches the bridge of his nose, pushing Jungkook away who was trying to give him a kiss. "Not this time, no kisses till after your time out." Hoseok then gets up to lift Yugyeom out of his playpen.

"Gyeommie, you want to help JaeJae?" Hoseok holds Yugyeom on his hip as Youngjae picks the corner by the sofa for Jinyoung and the corner by the door for Jungkook. "Alright Jae, tell them the rules again, in case they've forgotten."

"Daddy and Youngie's time restarts if they talk!" He says with a small sniffle following after, Hoseok smiles and nods. "Jinyoung, your time will be six minutes, it'll become 18 if you talk, Jungkook, yours will be twenty-six, if you talk it'll be fifty-six." Hoseok then sets two timers on his phone before sitting down with his two babies and plays games with them.

"This is bullshit," Jungkook mutters as Jinyoung copies him. "Jungkook! Don't swear in front of the kids, you two really want extra time put on, huh?" Hoseok glances over to them and raises an eyebrow, only to get a string of "no..." from them.

"Mommy, I want Jinyoungie to play with me!" Youngjae soon whines, it always happened like this. Youngjae would get a kick out of putting Jungkook and Jinyoung in time out, but then he'd miss them and want them back.

"I want daddy." He then sticks out his bottom lip, getting a small pinch to the cheek from Hoseok and a nod. "Okay, sweetie," Hoseok gets off the ground and goes over to Jinyoung first.

"Honey, what did you learn about scaring JaeJae?" He squats down and cups his cheeks, watching Jinyoung think for a couple seconds. "It's funny, nd mean mommy, JaeJae cries." He pouts as Hoseok kisses his nose. "Go apologize, then you can play."

Hoseok then makes his way over to Jungkook, hugging him from behind. "And what did you learn about scaring JaeJae?" Hoseok rests his head between Jungkook's shoulder blades and breathes in his scent. "That I'm an ass." He shrugs.

"Stop cursing in front of the kids!" Hoseok practically whines and gets a chuckle from Jungkook. Jungkook then turns around so he could wrap his arms around Hoseok and kiss him.

"Yucky! Let's go JaeJae!" Jinyoung makes a noise of disapproval before pulling Youngjae out of the room, who tries to get Yugyeom to walk with them. "Mama, dada, they wented byebye!" Yugyeom giggles.

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