BURNIN' LOVE || knj+jhs

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Hoseok sighed while scratching his nape, reading off the different scents for the candles he and Namjoon were going to make tonight. Skimming over the different coloured bottles, he sat down the basket that hung on his forearm.

"I found some white candle wax, we could colour that?" Namjoon asks, going behind his boyfriend and back hugging him. "I guess," Hoseok shrugs with a small smile, placing his hand on one of Namjoon's forearms. "What scent were you thinking about? They have a large collection,"

"I don't mind which, I do like the woodsy ones better than the floral better," Namjoon shrugs himself, pulling away from Hoseok to grab a few bottles from the top shelf- which Hoseok couldn't reach.

"How 'bout this?" He asks, unscrewing the metallic cap that held a cinnamon scent, holding it in front of Hoseok to smell. "Mm, I like that one, but I also like the sugar cookie one." He mumbles taking the bottle from Namjoon and closing it. "Can we get both?" He asks, tilting his head.

"How many candles did you want to make?" Namjoon asks, he really didn't care even though he was buying. Hoseok shrugs, pouting slightly as he leans against Namjoon. "Can we get chocolate scent?" He asks, even though his words are mumbled.

"Yeah, you wanna wait for me at the register? I'll grab the remaining things." Namjoon picks up the basket and kisses Hoseok's head. "When did you get so funny Joon? The last things on our list is the wick and glass container for them, go wait for me honey, I got the rest." Hoseok laughs, turning around and pats Namjoon's chest.

Namjoon blinks a couple times before he rolls his eyes, why did his baby have to bully him like this? "Hey!" Namjoon complains, but walks over to the register anyway, Hoseok's laughter still able to be heard which caused a large grin to break onto his face.


Hoseok hummed quietly, cutting open the wax packages. "Read off the instructions for me again?" He then looks to Namjoon after asking, watching Namjoon pull up the instructions on Hoseok's iPad again.

"Fill a pot half full with water, then let it boil before breaking up the wax and placing it in the water," He tells Hoseok, scratching his nape. "How are we going to break the wax? It's harder than wood!" Hoseok puffs out his cheeks, before glancing up at Namjoon and letting out a laugh.

"Joonie, that's your cue, my big strong man~" Hoseok coos, plopping the hard wax onto the counter top with a grin. With an eye roll, Namjoon turns away from the iPad that's propped up on one of the cooking books Jimin had bought for Hoseok after they had gotten married.

"Alright, hand me your rolling pin for baking and take a step back," He mumbles, holding out his hand as if it were an operation. "Here doctor," Hoseok had replied once he has gotten the rolling pin from the cabinet next to the stove, placing the pin in Namjoon's hand before stepping back.

Chuckling, Namjoon thanks Hoseok before raising the pin in the air and slamming down onto the blocks of wax, watching the wax break in half with the residue flying onto the floor and under the oven.

RM is quick to patter his way into the kitchen where his owners were, looking at his dad in curiosity before sniffing the ground. "Hey! RM, get away from there baby!" Hoseok moves over to the white dog before scooping him up so he wouldn't eat wax.

"Aish, Monnie why can't you laze around like Mickey?" Hoseok asks with a small pout before kissing his head, going into the living room to place RM on the sofa next to Mickey. When Hoseok had joined Namjoon in the kitchen again, Namjoon had already had the wax half melted.

"Aw honey, you started without me," He pretends to be hurt before smiling and going behind Namjoon to lay his cheek against the part of his back just under his shoulder blades. "Didn't think you'd want to sit and wait for the wax." Namjoon shrugs as a small smile stretches across his face.

"Well, I guess you're right," He nods against his back, closing his eyes with a sigh of content. Letting the room fall to a peaceful silence, snuggling into Namjoon's warmth.

After awhile, Namjoon finally started to speak up. "You takin' a nap?" He asks, Hoseok just shakes his head as an answer. "Is the wax done yet?" Hoseok impatiently asks before pulling away to collect food colouring and a special cookie cutter.

"Alright baby, it's done!" Namjoon grins, turning off the stovetop, with Hoseok instantly coming over to take the hot pot to strain the remaining water. "Let's get started!" He says.

Hoseok begins to separate the wax into different bowls to mix different colours into them. Both Hoseok and Namjoon had decided on four colours; baby green, baby pink, dark blue, and black.

"Can you grab me a glass saucer from the bag?" He asks Namjoon, puffing out his cheeks in concentration. Nodding in response, Namjoon successfully retrieving the saucer, placing it in front of Hoseok and kisses his cheek. He watches as Hoseok's cheeks cover in a pink tint with a smirk.

"Thank you." He mumbles, placing the cookie cutter on the saucer, ripping open the box of wick with his teeth, which if his mom found out she'd have his head on a platter- she did spend loads of money for his braces when he was a teenager.

Once he's placed the wick in the center of the cutter. Grabbing the black and baby green wax, placing them in front of the place where he was working. "Hey, you wanna use cool water to cool down the wax once we've got it all setup?" Namjoon turns around to face Hoseok, the older letting out a squeak.

"Don't look! It's a surprise!" Hoseok whines looking at Namjoon with crossed arms before nodding, pouting slightly. "Alright, alright." He laughs.

Hoseok soon finishes the candle, letting it cool off a bit by the air before convincing Namjoon to turn away so he could place it in the cold water and pulling it out once it was fully hardened.

"You can look now, Joonie!" Hoseok dries off the candle before popping it off the saucer and out of the cookie cutter. Holding it out in front of Namjoon with a cute bright smile, turning around, Namjoon let's his eyes fall from Hoseok's face to the candle cupped in his hands.

He swears, his heart fluttered when he saw the candle, he would have cried from the cuteness of his husband, but that would have to wait for another time.

"I decided to put both of our favourite colours together! You can bring this to work with you, if I recall right, Gi hyung had said Mon Studios developed the scent of energy drinks mixed with beer and old fast foods." Hoseok laughs as Namjoon takes the candle and places it on the counter.

"It's beautiful, I love it Hoseok, I love it even more that you made it." He looks at the candle while speaking, smiling at it. He adored that damn candle, it meant the world to him knowing that Hoseok had made it from pure love. He's so thankful to be married to the angel he met when he was an underground rapper.

Namjoon cups Hoseok's cheeks, pampering his face in kisses- earning himself a whine from Hoseok with a muffled "just kiss me already." He laughs, kissing his impaient husband.

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