
139 21 5

2 Months Later

Monday, December 12



It's been about 2 months and things have been going pretty great for us. The day after Mike told me about the baby, we (even though he wanted to wait a while longer) told our families. His mother had sort of mixed emotions. She was happy for us and that we were starting our family, but she was a little frazzled about having to become a grandmother at such a young age. Macy, of course, was excited about becoming an auntie. My parents however. . . . Well they didn't die. . . . That counts for something in my book. It counts for a lot actually.

I went to Mike's last doctor's appointment, everything looked fine so far. His doctor was pretty shocked to see that I was the father of his baby, especially knowing that none of the Kingdom was truly aware of my sexuality, but ensured her that I was definitely going to be involved in its life as well as Mike's. Mike and I were also sure to ask her not to say anything about the baby or our relationship to anyone (well, he asked, I demanded).

My coronation was a month away and I was a little more nervous than excited. I was in the midst of preparations for running a kingdom, getting ready to become a father, and Mike and I haven't even started planning our wedding yet. There was so much to do and so little time to do it. Which is why I was glad I was back on (semi) good terms with my parents again. My mother was getting everything ready for my coronation (with my help of course), making sure nothing goes wrong. Since Mike is always hungry, I've invited him to come by in a few hours to help me out with the taste testing for the menu. His mother and Macy (since she was now on Winter Vacation) are going to take care of our Royal attire, taking extra special care with mine and Mike's. My father was making sure each member of the staff was where they needed to be, doing what they were supposed to be doing.

I know I'm not supposed to see Mike until around 4, but I couldn't stop thinking about him or the baby. Honestly, I was hoping for a boy. Since I'm an only child, we're gonna need another heir to the throne, if this is our only child. I just hope none of this coronation/wedding/ruling the kingdom stuff stresses him out too soon, especially while he's pregnant.

But, I wonder what/how he's doing right now. . . .




I had been folding clothes and putting them out on tables All. Fucking. Day. And frankly, I was getting irritated with it. I don't know, maybe it was because I was (still) hungry. Either way, I was ready to leave. My mother and Macy were in one of the back rooms working on Elijah's "special attire" for his coronation. God, I was tired of hearing that word. I was tired of a lot of things lately. Maybe it's because that's all he's been able to talk about when I want to talk about our wedding and our baby.

I don't know. . . Is this just me being too "hormonal?" Wanting too much from a man who's basically giving me everything he can and more? I want to talk to him about it since he's always encouraging me to "share my feelings" with him and all that, but I don't want to seem like the obsessive, pushy boyfriend that ends up ruining the whole relationship, you know?

DING! My thoughts were interrupted when I heard someone come into the store, but I was too irritated to greet them. My mom would kill me if she found out I wasn't greeting any of our customers, but she had to at least be a teensy bit sympathetic and understanding as to why I was so cranky, right?

"Hey there stranger. Long time no see." I snapped my head up and dropped the shirt I was folding. I recognized that voice. It was all too familiar. Thankfully, my back was turned so they couldn't see the shock written all over my face.

I slowly turned around, and licked my now extremely dry lips. My breathing continued to accelerate as I tried to speak, so that all I could manage to get out was one word. "Jacob?"

Aww snap, it's my man Jacob!🙋😂👀

Told y'all it wasn't over yet.👀

Any thoughts?



Let me know in the comments please!!

I don't really have anything to say, I just wanted to get this chapter out sooooo. . .

Vote and Comment please!!

Until next time!! Love y'all!!👋💘

Forever Yours | Milijah
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