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Present (Same) Day



I had been gone for the rest of the afternoon, thinking. I still had no clue what I was going to do about my situation. I've always wanted to have kids, I just didn't think it was possible for me to actually carry any. I don't think Elijah knew either, otherwise he would've. . . You know.

I wanted to tell him as soon as I'd found out, but you can already see how that's turned out. There's no telling how he's going to react. He could be ecstatic to still be able to become a father, or he could completely freak out and tell me to get rid of it. I'm hoping his reaction is the first one.

It was pretty late when I finally decided to head home. I figured everyone would be asleep by now, but was in for a rude awakening when I walked in front of my house to see pretty much all of the lights on. This wasn't going to be pretty.

I walked into the house and quietly shut the door, but of course they heard me anyway. "Michael?! Is that you?" My mother ran out of the kitchen in her nightgown and robe, Macy and Elijah following right behind her. "Oh thank God you're okay!" She embraced me tightly, then let go to hit me upside the head.

"Ow ma! That hurt!"

"Good! If you ever scare me like that again, I'll kill you!" She hit me again then hugged me tightly, Macy tightly hugging my legs.

"I'm sorry, I-it won't happen again. I promise. I just-" I trailed off, looking up at Elijah who was staring at me, nothing but hurt in his eyes. I quickly looked away and continued to speak with my mom. "I just needed to get away to think and. . . I just. . . Lost track of time."

My mom looked back and forth between me and Elijah. Macy did the same. She may only be ten, but she wasn't stupid. She knew when something was wrong and this was definitely one of those times. "Come on Macy, we need to get you back to bed." She said grabbing her hand. "Try not to be up too late." She said looking between the two of us sternly.

When they finally left the room, there was the most uncomfortably awkward silence hovering over us. After a few short but agonizing moments, Elijah finally broke the silence. "Mike, can we-"

"Can we please not do this tonight? I'm just. . . really tired right now." I cut him off looking down at my feet. I started to walk towards my room when I felt him grab my arm and roughly turn me around.

"No. We're doing this now." He said sternly.

"No, we're not."

"Michael I swear to God if I have to pin you to this floor just to get you to talk, I will." He said stepping closer to me. I know this isn't the time for this but Damn. He was sexy when he ordered me around. . . I tried not to focus on that, but on the fact that I wasn't getting out of this conversation. His eyes and voice softened before he spoke again. "You're hiding something from me again. I can feel it."

"No I'm not." I muttered refusing to look at him.

"Yes you are! Is it because you don't wanna get married?! Because if that's what this is about, then. . . Then we don't have to." It looked like it killed him to say that last part. "We can just keep things the way they are. I can have my father pass a new law before I take over and-"

Forever Yours | Milijah (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now