11. (Part 1)

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Tuesday, June 28


Elijah had been up for hours. Since 7am to be exact. He had been too excited to sleep, anticipation for his date with Michael setting in from the moment he'd said 'yes.'

He had been running around the town trying to get everything he needed to set up this date. He didn't want this to be just a date. It had to be perfect. Tonight he was going to ask Mike to officially be his. He knew it was kind of a long shot, but Mike meant a lot to him. Elijah honestly thought that. . .he was in love with Mike.

Elijah had been setting up for this date all morning and exhaustion was quickly threatening to consume him. He promised himself that as soon as he was finished setting up, he would take a short nap.


When Elijah had finally finished preparing for his date, he decided to head home so he could get a little bit of sleep. That dream was short lived when he walked through the palace doors.

"Where have you been?" His mother asked him, slightly glaring at him with her arms folded.

"Out." He said brushing past her.

"Elijah Rhea Johnson." He rolled his eyes and turned back around to face his mother. "Where. Have. You. Been?"

Elijah tried to look anywhere but at her. "Elijah I swear if you don't tell me where you were-"

"Alright alright!" He tried as quickly as he could to come up with a good enough lie that the queen would believe but he failed miserably. His mother would see right through him. "I was. . . Out getting ready for my. . . Date tonight." He practically whispered the last part but of course his mother heard it. He could tell because her face literally lit up.

"A date?!" She squealed and Elijah flinched at the sound. "Ohh I'm sorry I'm sorry." She said noticing the look on his face. "When did this happen?! How did this happen?! What's her name?! What kingdom is she from?! Why aren't you answering any of my questions?!"

He started to cringe at the way his mom was acting. She was acting like she was a teenaged girl and it scared the hell out of him. He'd never seen her act this way before.

"Because you haven't taken a breath since you started talking?"

"Don't get smart with me boy." She said hitting his arm. "Now answer my questions!"

He sighed. "Alright. Which one first?"

"What's her name?"

Elijah really didn't want to lie to his mother, but it seemed like he didn't have much of a choice. "Uhhh. . . Michelle."

"Michelle? I don't think I've heard of her. What kingdom is she from?"

"Kingdom? Um. . . You wouldn't know it. . . It's a. . . Really small kingdom. Right outside the city. Not many people have heard of it."

"Hmm. Well it doesn't matter, I'm just glad you finally found someone!" She said hugging him. She hit his arm again.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"For not telling me about her sooner!"

"I didn't wanna say anything because I didn't wanna jinx it. I really like. . . Her."

She thought for a minute. "I guess that's understandable. What time is your date?"


"Well why don't you go get some sleep before then hmm? Oh my goodness I'm so excited!" She said practically skipping down the hall.

Elijah definitely regretted lying now. Not just because of how his mother was reacting, but because it made it seem like he was ashamed of Michael. But he wasn't.

Forever Yours | Milijah
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