She licks her lips and smiles a devilish smile, before slowly unwrapping her arms from Mordecai's neck.

"Well, it seems we have some unwanted visitors" she mumbles.

I look over to see Mordecai smiling fondly over at me, I shoot him a glare, and his smile fades into a teasing grin.

"It seems we do, but they aren't unwanted... on the contrary, they are our neighbors.. guests if you will" his eyes glint in the sun as he walks into the dark doorway Morgan trailing behind.

Emery yanks my arm back as I try to follow them both inside. "Now you really sure you want to go through with this stupid plan of yours?" Emery whispers into my ear so quiet it seemed like she didn't say anything at all.

I swallow my fears about what Bad things could happen there and nod. Emery sighs before letting go of my arm which leaves a great red handprint.

I take a couple of deep breaths before following the two vampires into their home... or should I say lair.


Morgan's eyes narrow as she sneers and saunters off somewhere further into the house. That leaves us with Mordecai and some new faces that I haven't met yet. Three men stand around Mordecai their faces stone-cold no emotions showing.

My eyes lock on one of the guys who is already staring intently at me, his eyes narrow once before they turn back to stone cold.

"We came here to talk with you " Emery states.

"About?" Mordecai says plainly as if us being in his presence upsets him. I clear my throat bringing everyone's attention towards me.

"My friend Liz, she's um-"

"A vampire? That can't be" Mordecai says shocked, a slow smirk appearing on his face.

I'm guessing he wasn't aware of the latest news.

"Go get that bitch Morgan!" Mordecai says to one of the three men still standing like stones behind him. The one with fiery orange hair nods his head and begins to turn but not without shooting me an incredulous look before stomping off in the direction Morgan did.

My heart flutters a little when a furious Dorian comes in and heads straight for Mordecai.

Mordecai turns instantly, "brother!" He smiles broadly, "why didn't you tell me that our Liz had turned?" He asks in slow precision.

Dorian's head whips in my direction, he grumbles something then speeds away from Mordecai and over to us so fast I couldn't process what was going on. We were out of there so fast it was like we weren't there at all.

"What in the hell was happening in there?!" Emery exclaims as she bares her teeth in frustration.

"She should not have been in there," Dorian says underneath his breath pointing to Emery.

"And why not?!" I say utterly confused.

"Werewolves can't step onto vampire land without breaking the pact that was set in place centuries ago," he says again so quiet.

My heartbeat gets faster, "what will happen?" I ask Dorian this last question.

He pauses a breath before whispering "Whatever she wants..." then he's gone in the wind so quickly it's like he wasn't even there.


Hehehe... sorry?

Also who do we think this mysterious she is?

This was a sloppy update I'll fix it later but anywho there you go!

I'm almost at 1k!!!! When I reach 1k I'll be doing shoutouts to followers and readers who have been so active and kind to me :)

Anddddd 400k?! I. Can't. Say. Thank you. Enough... so thank you.

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