Chapter 39

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June 10th,

I met One Direction a few weeks ago, I wouldn't of think that one boy with tight skinny jeans can annoy me so bad. But as much as he can annoy me, he is offly cute but I don't want to let him know that. If anything it will probably go to his head, but the more that he bothers me the more I like him. Scratch that, the more he bothers me the more I fall in love with him. His dimples, his little moles but it's not his looks that draw me to him it's the way he cares about me more than I can ever imagine. I sometimes worry that my past my scare him and make him run away from me, but so far he sticks around and I just wish I had the courage to tell him that as much as I push him away I want him to stay and to just never leave.

Truth be told, I don't know what I would do without the boy I am falling in love with.

And as much as I regret leaving the tour, I was just embarrassed he seen my past and instead of waiting for him to say he can't be in my life I saved myself the heart break and just left without a word.

I wish I can just spend my life in his arms because for me...

Harry is home and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, but home.


Harry's POV

"Why are you smiling to yourself?" I look up at Liam who took a sip of his drink, we just finished getting our award and Liam was a bit tipsy.

"I just finished reading Cali's journal" I smiled once more.

"Aren't you afraid that she is going to get upset that you read that?" Liam slurred once more.

"I'm sure she won't mind, besides there isn't anything in this story that I already know."

"Sophia told me that she is back" my heart skips a beat.

"W-what she's back? Let's go see her!"

"Harry we can't just go see her we have to do a lot more here, we can't just get up and leave" Louis helped Liam into the car.

"How long are we staying here?"

"For a few more days maybe more who knows Harry."

I groan placing the book back into my bag, I know I shouldn't be so stubborn but I just want to see California.

But the end of this week, it'll be a month since the last I seen or heard from Cali.

"I just want to see her..."


California's POV

"It's great to have you back Jones" my boss patted me on the back.

"And for your first day back you have work" I laughed shaking my head "I want you to go out of town, to Colorado to interview the Colorado Rapids, this will be good publicity and it'll make a great section in the magazine" he handed me the paper work.

"You are leaving Wednesday that's two days from now; the company covers the plane ride you can bring someone to come with you, if you like."

"Oh, okay yeah sure..." why is it that when Harry and I are going to meet for some reason him and I can't find the right time or the right place. I am considering just flying out to London to see him or at least try to meet up with him.

In fact, that might be a great idea.


"Are you insane?"

"No Nash, I'm perfectly SANE please! I can't tell the girls because they won't let me go. I'll just go to London tonight talk to Harry and catch a plane ride back to Colorado just in time for me to interview the Colorado rapids!"

He started shaking his head while walking into the kitchen placing his dishes in the sink.

"You just got back California your family or your friends including myself haven't seen you in more than three weeks I don't want you to do this."

"Okay-so come with me?"

He placed his hands on the counter looking up at me "what?"

"No, no this is great come with me to London Nash this is a great idea no one will know we'll say it's a business trip please come with me to London I know you wanted to go back since the first time we went there come on!"

He groaned crossing his arms together "what time does the plane leave?" I smiled while jumping up and down.

I wrapped my arms around him giving him a quick kiss on the cheek "plane leaves at 7, I got the tickets-"

"Wait you already got the tickets? You didn't know I was coming?"

"Mmm I kinda did, I just needed to beg long enough for you to say yes" I laughed grabbing my phone "thanks Nash, you won't be sorry! Hurry pack your things I'll be back in two hours."


"Um where are you going?" I turn around with my suitcases in my hands and see Sophia with her arms crossed standing a few feet away from the kitchen.

"I told you I'm going to Colorado for the interview" I smiled.

"I thought you didn't have to leave till Wednesday?"

"Um something came up I really have to go though I don't want to miss my flight!" I opened up the door and ran down the stairs into my car.

I quickly threw my things into the back and opened up my car door.

I climb inside and as I'm about to close the door someone's hand tightly grip the side of it "S-Sophia? I told you I have to go."

"I know that you're going to go see Harry..."

I didn't know what to do or say I just sat there looking like an idiot "but" she bent down and smiled at me "don't worry I'll keep this secret for you."

I quickly hugged her "thanks Sophia."

"Just for the love of god tell Harry before it's too late!"

I laughed shaking my head starting up the car, she gave me one last hug before shutting the door.

I rolled down my window as I drove off the drive way waving good bye, "wait!"

I slammed on my breaks looking at my rearview mirror seeing Sophia run down the drive way "here..."

She handed me an envelope "what's this?"

"This is something you'll need... Trust me you'll need it. Now hurry before it's too late to tell Harry how you feel!"

Let's Try This Again / h.sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora