Chapter 18

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California's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing in my ear "hello?" I try to sound like I've been awake for a while now.

'Jones it's your boss I need you down here right away there is something you should know' I don't know why my heart was racing a mile a minute but I did as I was told. I quickly grabbed some clothes and sped off to my work where the 'something' was.


"What?" I look at Beverly and the rest of the girls.

"Yeah, I got offered to become the editor and chief of World Soccer magazine..."

Dee and Beverly ran to me and started to do the 'happy jump' but then stopped when they noticed Sophia didn't join in.

"Sophia what's wrong aren't you happy that she got offered this amazing opportunity?" Dee said.

"Do you guys know where World Soccer Magazine Company is held at?"

"Um somewhere in Los Angeles?" Beverly looked at me then back at Sophia, Sophia just shook her head no and walked closer to us.

"World Soccer is in the United Kingdom which is over thousands of miles away from us" she looked at me as she said these words. I didn't know what to say but stand there like an idiot for not telling them any time sooner.

"Well are you going to take the job?" Dee asked.

"I don't know yet, I have a week to decide..."

"Well that gives us a week to convince you to go" Beverly spoke up all the girls including myself snapped their heads at her.

"Wh-why would you say that?" I asked.

"Because who are we to hold you back from the best opportunity in the world?"

Liam's POV

It's the morning after everything happened, and I'm still not talking to Harry. Signing had to be the most awkward thing I had to ever encounter especially since I had to sit next to him.

I heard a knock on the door and see Louis walk up to answer it, Jane walks in smiling from ear to ear at us and stands in the middle of the room. "What are you doing here?" I sounded so cold but I could care less I rather not have her or Harry here.

"Follow me" she ignored my statement and made all the lads including myself follow her.

She walked us to the back of the apartment building we were alone and in the parking lot, suddenly an Audi R8 pulls up revving the engine. Paul comes out of the car smiling at us, he probably has no idea what Harry has done to get this car.

"Congratulations Harry" she whispers to him then walks inside with Paul.

Harry and the rest of the guys were speechless I looked at the car and back at Harry in disgust. I don't want to be anywhere near this thing "hey guys!" I quickly turn around and see California smiling at us walking towards us.

She walks up to me and gives me a hug at first I'm hesitant because of everything that has happened.

But I realize this might be the last hug we will have together "hey, woah you okay?" she hugs me tighter then I let her go and give her a sympathetic smile.

She looks at me weird and gives me 'well-talk-later' look and goes to hug the rest of the guys, she gives Harry a hug longest and kisses him on the cheek. I see the way she looks at him so happy and so in love and this bastard can't even look at her in the eye and tell her what he has done.

"Woah nice car!" she laughs and points at it walking around to check it out.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

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