Chapter 38

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“Cali would you like to share?”

“Um…” I looked at each of my friends smiling at me “sure.”

I can see Dr. Tom get excited “well, after my experience of all the private sessions I have with you, the exercises you make me and everyone else do I can say it really does help me. It’s the nights that are a bit harder for me, I stay up late thinking about my past which haunts me. I use to think that I was losing my mind and that I was going to end up turning insane or something. I use to think that no one understood and that just running away would help me would help a lot of people from thinking that they need to worry about me. But these people around me inspire me, they show me that, there are people out there who understand and even if they don’t they are willing too. I use to panic and just shut down but I know that it’s better to face my problems and learn to take things head on I don’t want to be that girl who had all of these problems and had it hard as a child growing up but you know what if I didn’t have all of those events and even those people in my life I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I am ready to be able to provide of myself and take care of my problems and every once in a while it’s okay to have help. I’m not trying to hurt my friendships with people I was just trying to save them from getting hurt.”

I let out a huge breath I have been holding that in for three weeks I’ve been wanting to let that off my chest.

“I’m very glad you realized that, and I’m proud that you are able to come to that conclusion. I know you are afraid of getting hurt with all the problems that happen in your life. But that doesn’t mean you need to shut them out and try to fix the problem on your own, from your files a lot of people are in your life and I can see that they care about you. Sometimes letting people in your life can do a lot more than help you with you problems, and I’m very glad to say that you are ready to take on your life head on. You did a lot more than share tonight, you made not only me and I’m pretty sure everyone here realize that we shouldn’t run away from our problems we should take them head on and learn how to deal with them and allow people who are willing to help us help. Great job California, I hope that when you leave here—and this goes for all of you, that you are able to come visit me or email or write, to show me that you are doing great and I have a feeling you all will be doing great” I couldn’t hold in the tears I came so far and I’m proud of myself.

I can’t wait to see Harry tomorrow and tell him everything, I can’t wait to see everyone and just be able to show everyone how far I have come.

And I’m not just only okay, I’m great.

Harry’s POV

“Paul we can’t go to London today, I have something to do tomorrow…”

“Harry you have to go to the Brit Awards you boys got nominated we must go tomorrow, you cannot blow them off because you have ‘something’ to do, I’m sorry Har but my hands are tied” he said good bye to me and the lads and walked into the apartment building.

“Harry I’m sorry mate, but we can’t ditch the awards” Liam grabbed his suit case bringing it into his bedroom.

“I know you wanted to see her get out, but we’ll be back in about a week besides we haven’t seen our family in a while and I miss them” Niall patted my shoulder and walked into his bedroom with his suitcase.

I wanted to bring California to meet my family, but seeing as I’m leaving tonight by the time she gets out I’ll be over 3,000 miles away from her.

California’s POV

“Promise me you’ll call if you ever need anything” I cried into Stella’s chest.

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