Chapter 8

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Louis POV

"So how did you enjoy that movie?" I put my arm around California she quickly gave me the death stare which made me take my arm back as fast as I could before she could of ripped it off.

"How about you Beverly how did you like the movie?" Zayn nudged her.

She gave him the same look California gave me, "this is going nowhere" Dee whispered to me.

We just spent two hours watching some action movie that I don't even remember the name too because I was too busy trying to entertain California but she was not having it.

I can tell Beverly and California were both trying enjoy their time but they were just too distracted.

"Let's just split up" Dee whispered to me.

"What do you mean?"

"You go with Cali and Zayn and me go with Beverly we'll do something to keep her mind off of things but you try to do something more than keep her distracted Cali is having a harder time than Beverly" I turn and see Cali day dreaming.

"I think I have an idea I'll see you back at your house" I told her and she nodded.

She took Beverly and led her to her car Zayn nodded at me and I grabbed California by her arm and walked her over to my car "where are we going?"

"Trust me okay?" I look back at her she didn't speak but trusted me.


"Lou I don't know about this I just don't know" she placed her hands back on her lap.

I scooted myself closer to her "this is the best way to clear your mind off of things and besides no one is home so it's just you and me" I put my hand on hers.

"Just let it go" I waved my hands behind us.

She just shook her head no, I sighed and walked over to the kitchen to grab a drink. I heard a faint piano start to play I slowly walk back into the room and see her slowly start to play.

She put her hands on the keys and started to play a beautiful version of When The Love Falls by Yiruma. This song is so sad to play and you can feel each emotion she is pouring into this song I don't know what to do but just watch her pour herself out into this song and this grand piano.

I remember reading something online about the stories people use to have when they played this song.

The story behind this song is like a sad goodbye to a love that was never meant to be and I couldn't help but to pull out my phone and record her. I can feel so much power and sadness being played into this song, I wanted to stop her but for some reason I couldn't.

This song is beautiful to play but there is always a reason why one pianist plays it.

She was about to finish up the song which made me put my phone to the side of the kitchen and walk closer into the room as soon as her fingers stroked on the last few keys I can see tears fall right in between them.

I pulled her away from the piano let her cry into my chest, so much for trying to get her mind off of things.

She quickly wiped her eyes and smiled softly at me "I think I'll just head to bed..." I didn't stop her nor object she released my grip and walked into her room and closed the door behind her. I touched the keys and put the case over and closed it I sighed and walked over to her bedroom and pressed my ear against the door.

I can hear her faint crying I reached for the door knob but let go, she needs time to heal.

I grabbed my phone and walked out the house it was almost 10 and Dee should be texting me soon I decided to text her.

Me: hey meet me at the apartment

Dee: ok, is Cali coming with you?

Me: no she went to sleep early tonight

Dee: ok see you in a few

I sighed and started up the car I don't know how I'm going to explain this to the guys.


"Hey" I closed the door behind me and walked closer into the room.

"Hey Lou, what's going on?" Dee stood up from the couch I motioned her to sit back down. I look around and notice Niall is actually enjoying his time and not sitting on the couch feeding his face.

"Where's Beverly?" I ask.

"She just got home she texted me" Andrea locked her phone and put it back into her pocket.

"Where's Cali?" Jenn asked.

"She's back at her house sleeping, she's okay" I walk closer into the room and sit down.

"There's something I should show you" I stood up and plugged my phone into the computer and downloaded the video I took of California playing the piano.

Everyone got up from where they were sitting and gathered around the computer I expanded the video so everyone can see it "hey she's finally playing the piano I've been trying to get her to play for the longest time" Dee patted me on the back.

"Where's Harry?" I look around and notice he's not here.

"He's in the bathroom why what's up?" Liam asked me.

"I rather not have him see this it's pretty upsetting" I pointed at the video.

"What's going on Lou?" Dee was starting to look nervous.

I pressed play and watched California play the grand piano I can still feel myself there, as if I was listening to her play the piano for the second time.

Listening to her play makes me so sad and so depressed as if it was my fault I made her this way.

The video finally ended and I looked at everyone's faces Dee couldn't help but to tear up a bit that's how powerful her playing was.

"It's okay I teared up too" I unplugged my phone and walked back over to the couch.

"I felt it, each note she played it's like it was flowing through me and I couldn't hold back the tears I just wanted to stop her from playing but it was like she was telling a story" Andrea sat down across from me.

"What does that mean?" Liam pointed back at the computer.

"It means she's heartbroken..."

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