Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

"Liam I don't know if this is a good idea it looks like no one is home!" I screamed at him from the bottom of the stairs.

"Whatever Harry I'm trying to see her" he knocked on the door.

"See no one is home lets go" I turned around and heard the front door open I heard a voice but it wasn't hers.

"May I help you?" I turn and notice Liam looks dumb founded.

"Uh, well do you know the old owners who use to live here?" I tried not to laugh at him.

"Um yeah sure they told me to mail their old mail to their house but I was just called by one of the roommates that they're going to pick it up, you can wait for them here if you want but here you go" she handed him the mail and closed the door.

"This is all to LA" he said looking through the letters and walking down the stairs.

I heard a car door close and heels walking up the side walk I turn and notice it's Sophia!

"Sophia what are you doing here?!" I run up to her and give her a hug she wasn't as thrilled to see me.

"Uh-u Harry wh-what are you guys doing here?"

"Our tour ended and Liam wanted to visit some old friends" I pointed at him I took the mail from him and handed it to her.

"T-thanks" I can tell she was a bit nervous to see me "u-um I gotta go" she quickly walked down the sidewalk and entered her car and drove off as fast as she can.

"So you're friends with her?" Liam laughed.

"I don't know what's wrong with her I haven't seen her since before she started Uni, she's hiding something and why was she picking up California's mail?"

"Yeah we all are asking the same thing Harry but can we talk about how beautiful she is?"

I turn smirking at Liam who just had red all over his face he started to fibber and get really flabbergasted "she's what?" I started to laugh at him.

"She-she's really pretty alright, let's go if we want to see them" I started to laugh as he pushed me into his car and started it up.


California's POV

"So you know Harry!? Why didn't you tell us before?" I walked into my room changing into some comfortable clothes.

"Well because you guys never asked?" she held her hands up in defense.

"Yeah, yeah look I don't mind if your friends with them but you could have at least told us" I slipped on some gray sweat shorts and a blue California crew neck sweater with the sleeves rolled up at the elbow area.

I threw my hair up in a lose pony tail and walked out the room I sat down at the kitchen table as Sophia sat across.

Dee placed sliced and diced fruit on the table "okay so how did you and Harry meet?"

Harry's POV

"I'm pretty sure this is stalking!" I whispered to Liam who parked the car a little bit down the street but still visible to see the house.

"No its observing, tell him Lou" he nudged to Louis who was in the back playing a game.

"Oh no don't get me involved in this" he focused on the game.

It was just me, Liam, Zayn and Louis; Niall said he had to go see Barbara for some reason yeah I just think he doesn't want to see the girls especially Beverly.

"Whatever" he rolled his eyes and focused on the house he reached behind him and grabbed a bag.

"What's in there?"

"Food who knows how long we're staying here" I turn to Zayn and gave him a 'Liam-has-lost-his-mind' look but Zayn was too busy scribbling something in his sketch pad to even care.

"Anyways, how did you meet Sophia?"

"Well long story short I met her before we both got into Uni and we went to the same high school together we were good friends before I went out for the X Factor and we sort of lost contact" he paid attention to me as he stuffed his face with chips.

I look back at the house and notice someone park in the drive way "dude look" I pointed at the car.

A boy with skinny jeans, converse and a white t shirt got out of the car, pretty good looking fella he walks up the porch stairs and knocks on the door with his hands shoved in his pockets. He waits a few minutes until a familiar brunette answer the door.

"Hey, hey that's California" Liam kept slapping my arm before I punched him.

He didn't even notice he was too busy paying attention to the brunette the boy reached out to hug her as she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I don't know what it was that made me get out of the car but seeing her kiss him just made me so-so jealous to the point that I wanted to hit him.

I heard footsteps behind me and I see Liam leap towards me and tackle me into the nearest bushes.

California's POV

"So you both went to the same high school it's been a while since that I'm surprised he still remembers you" Beverly took a sip of her juice.

I agreed with her I heard a knock on the front door I open it up and see Connor standing there.

"Oh my god Connor!" I scream and wrap my arms around him and kiss him on the cheek I heard him laugh in my ear as his arms wrapped around my waist.

I let go "wha-what are you doing here!?" I practically scream.

"Well I just came back from O2L tour and I decided to come visit you seeing as you are my favorite person" I squealed and hugged him again.

I heard someone grunt to the side of me I turn and notice no one is there "did you hear that?"

He shook his head no I almost forgot that he was standing outside my house for a long time I grabbed him and pulled him inside "guys look its Connor!" Beverly did a double take then squealed and jumped into his arms.

Dee ran up to him after Beverly let go and almost made him fall backwards I grab his hand and walk him over to Sophia "Sophia this is Connor Franta the most incredible guy to have around" I brag.

"Hi it's nice to meet you" she smiles at him.

"Where is everyone?" I drag him to the table and make him take a seat across from me.

"Well the boys are getting settled in they should be here soon" he looked down at his wrist "I don't know what's taking them so long?"

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