Chapter 16

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The award ceremony ended and I am literally being carried out of the awards because the amount of fans that went straight to the boys while I was talking to them was insane.

G had to lift me over the sea of screaming girls "alright mam here's your ride" I gave him a hug and piled into the car. He shuts the car door giving me my space bubble back he walks around the front of the car and gets in the driver's side.

"Where to mam?"

I checked my phone and seen I had a text from Dee.

Dee: going out with the crew you in?

Me: no I'm just gonna stay home it's been a crazy and long stressful week.

Dee: alright girl see you at home.

"Home please" he nodded at me and pulled from the curve out into the busy street. I stared out the window the whole ride trying to relive what the hell just happened.

I pay G for everything he has done tonight and I go inside my house I close the door and take a look around. I slip of my heels, my feet were killing me especially with heels this high I'm surprised I didn't trip up the stage.

I put my award on the kitchen counter top and taking one good look at it.

I walk in my room and take off everything, my make-up, dress anything I just wanted to be in some comfortable clothes.

I put some sweats on and walk back outside into the kitchen I grabbed a left over cold pizza and stuffed it in my mouth I walked over to the couch and laid my head on the cushion. Peace at last, no disturbance no nothing I can finally brea-

I heard the doorbell ring "seriously I just sat down!"

I answer the door and look up to see Harry... "do you think we can have that talk now?"

Liam's POV

I walked pass Beverly and went straight to Sophia "hey you" I felt so awkward trying to talk to her.

She looked so gorgeous tonight and of course I want to tell her but I don't want to end up sounding like an idiot when I do "I um like this" I waved my hand over her dress. I mentally KO myself out I cannot believe I just said that.

"I-I didn't mean to say that I'm really sorry" I start to walk away.

I felt her grab my forearm and smile "it's okay, I like this too" she waved her hand over my body area.

I started to laugh "you do look lovely" I smile I can see that she blushes honestly I didn't think she would blush to anything I say "thank you Liam, you look handsome" she smiles at me.

Now I can tell I'm blushing "d-do you want to go grab a bite to eat perhaps?"

Niall and Louis both walk over putting their arm around me "sure we love to eat" they smiled at me and Sophia and turned around to invite everyone else.

I turn and had my shoulder right next to Sophia's "I thought you meant only us" she whispered.

"I did" I whispered back.

Great now things just got a lot harder.


Niall's POV

The whole night I've been acting like a fool in front of Beverly hoping I would get her attention but she has showed me nothing no emotion, nada!

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I want to talk to her but she hasn't even glanced at me.

We all end up eating at a local Chinese buffet and of course this makes me think of her because her and I use to talk about eating endless amount of food and how we were going to race. It sounds weird but it wasn't to me she's the only girl I can have a normal conversation with that doesn't worry about my celebrity image or is constantly thinking what if this happens.

She lives for right now and that's what I look for in a girl.

I doubt she even still loves me or has feelings for me, I wanted to say I love you back I'm just not good with girls and I don't know how to explain that to them because I suck at talking to them.

I notice her get up to use the bathroom and everyone else is engaged in their own conversation.

Here's my chance I quickly run after her before she can go to the bathroom "Beverly wait!" she stops in her tracks and turns around to meet me.

"Hey" I smile but she holds her hands in the air.

"Don't" she stops me.

"Don't what...?"

"Don't give me that look" I was confused "what look" she sticks her hands in front of my face and puts them together then spreads them apart.

"That face" I still don't understand.

"I'm sorry Bev-"

"I don't want you to look at me..."


"Because whenever I look at you I fall in love all over again and I'm trying to get over you" and with that she walks into the girls bathroom and shuts me out.

I don't know how I should take that she said she falls in love with me all over again but then she is trying to get over me... why?

She's the first real, real girl I have met in a long time she's not leaving that easy.

Liam's POV

"Do you want to get out of here?" I whisper to Sophia she looks up at me and smiles and nods.

"Where you going?" Louis but in again I smacked him in the back of the head and gave him the 'don't blow this for me' look.

He quickly turned around and ate his fries "so..." we started to take a walk around the parking lot.

"So.." she repeated back.

"Um what do you like to do for fun?" I tried to make small talk but I can tell it wasn't working.

I was getting frustrated and I can tell she was getting uncomfortable "look I'm really sorry okay, when I get nervous I don't know how to act and I start acting really crazy and talking superfast like I am right now I am trying to impress you but I don't know how I'm not really good at this and-" I was shut up by Sophia's lips on mine.

Yup Sophia was kissing me and surprisingly I was kissing her back I pull away looking down at her.

"That was a nice way of telling me to shut up" I smile at her.

She laughs and wraps her arms around my torso "sometimes I like to hear you talk Liam" I rested my chin on her head and during that whole moment my heart stopped for 20 seconds it seems like.

I really don't know how I'm going to explain this to the guys.

I felt my phone vibrate I pull it out noticing I got a text from Danielle.

Danielle: hey Liam, when you get the chance can we talk?

I look down at Sophia and she's smiling to herself as we walk hand in hand back to the restaurant... why did my ex just text me? And right after kissed Sophia-well she kissed me-but still... what the hell is she even going to talk to me about?

What if she wants to get back together? Oh fuck I'm screwed.

Shit just got real.

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