Chapter 12

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I turn around and notice Liam's gone I quickly run out of the room and notice he's about to get into his car.

"Wait!" I scream out for him.

He stops half way and looks at me with tears in his eyes "please stay" I can feel the tears start to run down my face.

He closes his car door and walks up to me I wrap my arms around his torso "please don't go" I cry.

"Love don't worry I'll see you soon but I can't stay, I'll be back soon just please don't cry" he let go of my waist and cupped my cheeks.

He kissed my forehead and grabbed my hands "I'm sorry" he let go as slowly as possible and walked back to his car without taking one look back at me. I just stood in the middle of the parking lot having tears fall from my face and hit the pavement.

I look at my feet and suddenly the ground seems to be more interesting than life around me.

I look back up and notice he's gone, Liam's my buddy pal, my everything and for him to just not be able to see me.

Destroys me.

I quickly walked back inside ignoring the stares I got from my friends and went straight to the room I've been avoiding for almost a year now.


Louis POV

"Just hurry up Liam I don't want Jane's assistant to find out you were missing" I told him and quickly turned my back and walked into the apartment.

I heard the piano start to play a song I couldn't make out but it was familiar.

I walk closer into the apartment and notice the piano grew louder and louder as I got closer to my room.

I creak the door open and notice it's Harry playing I knocked on the door and he quickly turned around "oh hey Lou sorry, I was just...I was just..."

"Playing the piano?"

"Yeah" he turned back around and started to slowly touch the keys playing the same melody.

"I've had this song stuck in my head" he said and placed his hands on the keyboard and started to play with each note he played the song grew more and more familiar.

I can see how focused he was whenever he struck a wrong note he clenched his jaw but continued.

He looked up at me "what? The song was stuck in my head and I couldn't get it out as if someone was constantly playing the song over and over again I need to know why it's stuck or who played it at least" he looks up at me and touches the piano again.

"Harry" I don't know if I should tell him who played the song "I think there's something I should show you..."

I reached for my back pocket and pulled out my phone I showed him the video but watched his face the whole time he kept a stale face but then nodded as soon as the song was over "did she know you were watching her?" he asked.


"Oh" he didn't say much but started to slowly play the tune again with one finger "what does the song mean Lou?"


"What does the song mean?" he asked more sternly.

"It usually means heartbroken..." and then again he said nothing but his face wasn't stale it softened and then slowly played the song again.

He stopped after a few notes later "it's okay..."

"How so?"

"Because I'm heartbroken too."

Sophia's POV

"How long has she been playing?" I walk into the living room still able to hear California play the piano.

"For a few hours now she took it pretty hard that Liam left imagine if it was Harry, oof" Dee made a painful look on her face and fixed herself on the couch.

"Yeah that would have been twice as worse but what do you think she's going to do when she gets award and finds out they're giving her the award?" I asked Dee taking a seat next to her on the love seat.

"What did you just say?" I turn in my seat and see Beverly walking closer to the couch.

"I said how do you think California is going to act when she finds out the boys are giving her the award?"

Beverly looks at me with her eyes widen I look back at Dee who pursed her lips together "what?" Beverly crossed her arms together.

"You didn't know that the boys are going to give her the award?"

"Um no, Dee did you know about this?" Dee crossed her arms and nodded at her.

"What the hell how am I the only one who doesn't know!" she threw her arms in the air and walked around and sat next to Dee.

"Beverly come on!" Dee laughed "Louis told me that the boys are giving the award to the most popular writer of the magazine who has had more attention in over a year than the magazine?" she held her hands waiting for Beverly to answer.

Her mouth did a perfect O before sighing "so she's screw-"

"Hey guys guess what?" California walks in the room more likely skips "hey skippy why so happy?" Dee laughs.

"Because I figured out what I'm going to do for my performance."

"What's that?" I look over at Dee and Beverly then back at California.

"I'm going to play" my eyes widen.

"Yo- you're going to play, the-the piano?" Beverly said.

"Yeah I'm not sure if I'm ready yet but I made up my mind, I'm going to perform at the banquet."

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