Chapter 24

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California's POV

"Yes, I appreciate the offer but I just can't take it I'm sorry."

'It's alright Ms. Jones I understand, if you ever want a job in the magazine company feel free to call me any time'

"Thank you Mr. Barns" I hang up the phone and throw it on my bed.

I turn around and look at myself in the vanity mirror, I have bags under my eyes from sleepless nights. My boss said I can come back to work whenever I'm ready, I don't even know when that will be. I keep telling myself I'm okay, but I always feel like shit.

Especially since I'm taking some 'space' from Harry, what day is it? Day 3 now since our little screaming match.

I heard my phone vibrate in my covers I toss the covers around to find it, after a few seconds of vigorously throwing my pillows everywhere I finally found it.

I quickly answer it and check the ID before I do.

"What Liam" I sound dead.

'Hi love, how's everything?'

"Fine, why did you call?"

'We need you to come by the boys apartment' I say okay then hang up the phone without saying good bye, I don't want to see Harry or anyone there.

I'm sort of pissed off with everyone including Harry, they don't need me to help them set up Jane.

But then again she did try to get my dad arrested.

Guess I better take this bitch down.


My feet stand on a worn out 'WELCOME' floor matt but its false advertisement I don't feel welcome what's so ever.

I just want to get this stupid charade over with I knock on the door and Liam answers with a warm smile.

I walk pass him still having the same death face as I did when I woke up this morning "who are they?" I pointed at the man and women with normal clothes on.

"Those are the detectives, this is Detective Benson and Detective ­­­Stabler they are going to help us with setting up Jane" Liam explained I just nodded and took a seat on the couch. Sophia was in the kitchen doing whatever Sophia's do.

Beverly, Niall and the rest of the gang walked in laughing and enjoying their time.

Even Harry is smiling "hey Cali" Louis smiles at me, I haven't smiled since I woke up so just because Louis is giving me a welcome smile doesn't mean I'm going to smile back.

I just wave back with no face expression; he looks at me concerned then walks in more into the room.

I can feel the awkward stares from everyone as I return to my phone pretending to do something that has to do work related, as far as everyone knows they think I'm okay and I want to keep it that way. I don't want them to constantly worry about me, especially Harry.

I need to start taking care of myself and by doing that I am going to get better on my own or at least try.

"Okay, everyone take a seat" I made sure where I sat no one can sit next to me which was a chair in the corner of the room facing Liam.

"Alright, so Jane is going to show up in about an hour or two. We are going to try to have her admit that she's the one who stole the watch and tried to set up Harry here, but before that happens California meets up with her outside and thanks her for getting you the job. You talk bad about us to her to make her believe that you hate us" that shouldn't be hard "and you leave then Harry walks out of the apartment right at the same time and basically you set her up to tell you the truth and if things don't work we have plan B" Liam smiled at everyone in the room.

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