Chapter 19

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Niall's POV

I could not believe my eyes and neither could the lads especially Liam she drops her things and runs up to him Liam stood there in mid shock with his mouth dropped and his hands still in his pockets as hugged him.

She whispers something to him and he finally snapped out of his daze and helped her with her things while following her in the hotel.

It was just me, Louis, and Zayn "well what the hell do we do now?" I said looking at the doors.

"I don't even know" both of them said in a unison.

And for the first time, all of us were left speechless.

Sophia's POV

I'm sitting at the table with Dee and Beverly who were both arguing about some dumb fashion show because I said I hate the clothes she was wearing and then Beverly and Dee both disagreed then got into an argument with themselves instead of picking the fight with me.

It was weird but as long as I'm not in the argument then that's okay with me.

I heard the front door open and close softly I turn and see California coming in her eyes blood shot red "you've been crying?" Dee asked.

"Dee not now okay" she holds her hand up and grabs the home phone "hi Mr. Barns I just wanted to let you know that I'm taking the job offer. Alright next week sounds great thank you for the opportunity" she turns and forces a smile on her face.

"Guess I'm going to the UK" she walks over to us and sits down on the couch right next to Beverly.

"So what are you guys watching?" she's acting weird.

"Um some fashion show, California are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm great, I found out Harry was the one who got me the job and that he sold me up for a car which was the reason I got the editor and chief job, so other than that I'm great" she laughed.

Okay, I'm scared I have never seen her this way.

Before anyone can say anything else the phone rings making us all jump Beverly quickly walks over to it and answers.

"Hello? Yes, this is she. Yes she's with me here... Oh... W-when did this happen... y-yes I'll let her know" Beverly could barely speak she was choking on her words she looked up at us with tears in her eyes I looked at California who had horror written on her face.

I could feel something bad start to fill the air "California um... can I talk to you in private?" Cali nods and walks into the hallway.

I look at Dee who was breathing a bit heavy "what do you think happened?"

"I don't know but whatever it is... it's not good, California just got played by Harry what more does she need" I said we hear a door shut and Beverly comes out crying.

"Beverly what happened" I run up to her followed by Dee.

"Our Gram had a heart attack... she passed away an hour ago" I looked around at Dee who gasped and hugged Beverly she didn't seem that upset but I knew it hit California harder.

"How is Cali taking it?" I asked.

"Hard, out of all the kids he was the closest to her, they were inseparable, the saddest thing though... is that she called her yesterday she was the last one to speak to her" and then my heart broke for the third time today I could not believe what was happening.

California not only lost her grandmother, she lost her best friend as well.


I don't know where my feet where taking me but once I looked up I was at G57 which was the boys apartment. I knocked softly it felt like a few minutes have passed by before anyone came to answer the door.

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