Chapter 14

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September 25th. It's the date of today. Nothing is getting better. Nothing, well one thing is. Niall and I.

No fights. No arguing. Nothing. There is a little bicker here and there. I have been meaning to have the talk with him but I just don't want to scare him. I need to know if I am wasting my time with him or not. Yes we fool around but when I am not with him I can't tell if he hooks up with other girls. He claims he's not.

I am just ending my shift at work. This Tuesday is dreading. I run it by Mr. Young that I'm going. "See you on Thursday Ariel" He smiles up from his work.

"Bye Mr. Young" I wave and start to head out.

"Bye Finn, see ya Next Tuesday" I stop to say bye to him. I only work with him on Tuesdays.

"Have a good day Ariel" he looks at me from his paperwork.

"Thanks you too" I head out the door as the bell rings. I start walking to the house. I usually walk to the house after work lately. Maybe it's time for the talk with Niall. What are we? I don't want to fool around I'm ready to have a relationship.

As I walk I see all these couples. I sigh, I want that. It's happening in my head as fantasies but that's not enough.

It's very sunny out today. I put my pair of sunglasses on. I'm getting used to this hot weather, I love it. It's a lot better than Pennsylvania weather.

I arrive at the house and walk right in. Niall bitches every time I knock so I just walk in from now on. "Hey Ariel" Harry greets me walking into the living room.

"Hey Harold" I laugh as he ignores me, he hates that name. I love messing with him.

I walk up to the steps to go in Niall's room. He is always in here. He doesn't like most of the people that are living here, the only ones he likes are Liam, Harry, Zayn, and Louis. They are the only ones he can put up. I think there are almost 4 other guys that live with them. I never really see them though.

I walk into his room to see him laying on his bed. He is reading a book. He looks up from me and goes back to his book. I slip my shoes off and lay my purse with them. I go over an lay beside to him. "Whatcha reading?" I ask looking at the pages.

"Just a book" he closes it and lays it on his night stand. He looks at me and tries to smile with his mouth closed. Something is wrong. I can tell.

"What's wrong?" I ask

He looks up to me and shakes his head, "nothing is wrong"

"I know you now, something is wrong" I say sitting up against his headboard

"Ariel, nothing is wrong. Just drop it" He is getting annoyed

"Just tell me-" I try to pry it out of him

"I said drop it" he snaps.

I roll my eyes. He won't open up to me. The only things he has told me was he family issues. He never told me anything else. I went and vented to almost his whole house. I mean I probably would of told them sooner or later that my birth dad committed suicide because he didn't want to suffer through cancer. I'm always reminded about that. I keep thinking that Scott, my stepdad will do the same. He knows about Jessie and he keeps telling us that he won't. I really want to believe him, but I can't.

"You want some food?" I ask Niall so I can take my mind off things. I feel like if I think about it more, than I will start to cry.

"I don't care" he has attitude now. I have patience. One of my virtues. So I keep calm when he gets like this. I don't try to lighten the mood I just try to see what he wants. I don't care, Maybe all those kind of answer to a question, don't exist in my head. It's a yes or no answers. It's either right or wrong no in between. I see him staring. Just by that little stare I can tell he hasn't eaten all day.

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