Chapter 2

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Hello :) chapter 2 here we are! please don't forget to cote, comment, please let me know what you think!




Monday, it's finally here. A normal person would be annoyed that it's Monday. But I'm not. I wake up and got dressed for my first class. Since it's Monday I have 3 classes today. Anabel or Julie don't have the same classes as me. it's just myself all day. I threw a air of jogging pant and a hoodie. Nothing special.

I walked to my first class that starts at 8. Science. I was always a science nerd. When I walk in I sit towards the front. I like being in front cause then there's no distraction. Since it's only 7:50 there's not much people here. I guess collage people come at the last minute.

And I'm right, it's 7:58 and the boys and girls are rushing in at the last minute. But I promise my self I won't do that. it looks ridiculous. But this one guy catches my eye.

Niall? Why is he in here. Does he want to be a doctor? This class is only for medical students I was told by this boy sitting next to me.

"I'm Luke" he smirked, he's cute. Brown hair that is up, brown eyes, rosy cheeks that are natural bushy black eyebrows. Big black glasses around his face. He's gorgeous!

"Ariel" I smile and shake his hand.

"I like that name, like the mermaid" he narrows his eyebrows in thought.

I giggle, that was cute how he said it! "Thanks"

"Okay guys" the professor speaks "Quite," and everyone quiet down. " This is science welcome. We won't be doing anything today, it's the first, who the hell wants to?" he walks around in the front.

"My name is professor Clay, I'll be fine with just clay" he assures us "You will need a note book and pencil when you come to my class." He thinks more "And that's all I got for now, you can stick around or leave." he dismisses us. Most people get up and leave, who'd wanna be here for another hour and half.

Luke gets up, "Uh" he seems nervous "You wanna go for coffee on campus?" he asks

How can I say no to him! "Sure" I get up and grab my things. We walk out of the room. I turn back to look at Niall, he's looking at me and Luke. I give him a slight smile and walk out with Luke.

"So what medical branch are you majoring in?" Luke asks me

"Nursing" i answer him

"Nice, where are ya from" what are we doing playing 21 questions?

"Im from Pennsylvania" i tell him.

"Thats very far" he says opening the door to the coffee shop.

"Thanks and it is but i needed to leave." i confess. "so you're a freshman?" i ask

"No im a sophomore" he tells me

"Oh where are you from" i ask

"Washington" he says and we order our drinks.

I just get a normal coffee, i don't want much.

Right then the bell rings on the door signaling someone walked into the shop. i turn my head to find that blonde. does he like follow me or something? It's weird how everywhere I go I see him. LA is not that small.

Luke can see me starring at niall. "Do you know him?" he says smiling but looking at his coffee. I can tell he feels neglected.

"Just my roommates friend, I don't really like him" I make a disgusting face towards him.

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