Chapter 9

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I start heading to the park to meet Luke there. I notice it's very nice out and sunny. This is the usual LA weather I have come used to know. Instead of boring Lakewood weather, usually cold. Rainy, Snowy. Well I won't miss that damn snow.

I check in my purse to make sure I have my phone, I feel around. I do a silent cheer, I feel it. I take it out in case anyone needs to reach me. I can then answer right away.

I continue my short walk to the park. I look up to see my surroundings. Girls, Guys. Most of them are wearing sunglasses of some sort. I see a couple holding a Starbucks beverage in the palm of their hands. I smile to my self, Starbucks is pretty popular.

I arrive at the park a couple minutes later. I spot a bench a few feet away and I sit in it. I unlock my phone and I see my hands are shaking. That's really weird. I don't get nervous when I meet with Luke. I look around a bit worried. Why are my nerves acting this way.

I don't see any sign of danger really. I see people walking. Is that suppose to be danger to me? I brush it off and call Luke.

"Hello?" He answers

"Hey, uh. Where are you?" I try to not act like I'm worried. I couldn't do that very well. It came out as a cry for help.

"Uh, Woah, Ariel are you okay? I'm walking up to the block" He says trying to calm me down.

"I, I don't know" I stand up. "I feel this weird feeling, I can't explain it" I answer his follow up question.

"Start walking towards the little Briscoe, I'm walking up to that street." I start walking and as I do, I hear a sound picking up in the speaker of the call. He is running. Maybe I should too. I start picking up my pace.

I feel this hand grab my arm, I turn around. I am scared suddenly. Is see these men, boys, guys I do not know what to call them, they look young but also old at the same time if that's even possible.

These men are fierce. I can't look them in the yes. I try to look everywhere but them. I try to se how many there is my eyes are everywhere now.

I concentrate, 3. I see three men, or whatever. "P-Please. I'm just meeting my friend here" I plead for their release.

"no, no ,no, miss. We are looking for fun, and well" he says like I am foreign for some shit! To top it all off he gets cocky at the end, "We found it" he says just as cocky but in addition a smirk was visible on his face.

"Ariel!" I hear Luke running towards me, I shot my head towards the sound waves. I look with him for a helping face when he stops in front of me, well behind me.

"Let her go" Luke looks at the connection

"Who's gunna make me? Your scrawny ass." he checks Luke out with a scoff at the end.

That was rude! I build my hands into a fist. My skin is turning white from the pressure.

The guy whose hand is still wrapped around my arm takes notice. "Someone's trigger was set off!" he snickers and so does his two little sidekicks.

"Let. Go." I say through gritted teeth. The man looks around with a smirk still plastered on his face.

He raises his hand, Luke steps forwards and says "I wouldn't" before he moves it.

"why!" he laughs

"Niall Horan" Luke has his jaw clenched.

I look back to the man and his face softens. His grip loosens and his fully released. I rub the spot where the tightly gripped hand was. I look down, red. This better not leave a mark.

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