Chapter 11

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. Why is this damn fucking phone ringing! Wow, am I cranky.

"Shut the damn thing OFF" Niall barks. I lazily move my arm over to my phone and answer it.

"Hello?" I try saying politely

"Hi, is this Miss Benning?" a male voice asks me through the phone

"This is She?" I open my eyes better wondering for the reason of this call. It seems early, this must be important.

"Good, Hi, This is Marshal Young. I am the manger down at Beth Boquie, You applied for an application right?" he clarifies

"Yes, Yes I did sir" I smile to myself.

"Okay, I now I would normally call tomorrow and schedule your interview on Monday, but I love your application too much and I would like to know if you will be interested in coming by today, say?" he thinks for a second, "five in the evening?" He thinks of a perfect time.

"Of course!" I say smiling. And Niall pops his head up and looks at me weird then widens his eyes and smiles. I furrow my eyes at him and look down to see what he was looking at.

"Alright then, see you tonight! Bye" Marshal hangs up. And I see I have no shirt on. I scurry up and look for a shirt to put on

I hang the phone up, "Why didn't I have a shirt on?" I laugh and Niall goes back to sleep.

"It's not funny" I slap him playfully

"You looks hot" he turns around to me and wraps his arm over my stomach.

"Sure" I pat his arm.

He kiss my stomach and I squirm, "what" he asks

"That tickled" I laugh. He rolls his eyes and rest his head below my bra. I move my right hand up to his hair and start combing his hair and massaging his scalp. He moans and I laugh. I guess that feels good. I stop and check the time on my phone, "Hey" he whines "Why did ya stop?" he pouts. I check my phone and it's 2:37.

"Shit" I need to go home. I need to get ready for this job interview.

"What?" Niall peaks at me.

"I need to go home and get ready" I look around for my things and It's hard since his room is a mess. "When the interview is over I am coming back here and cleaning, don't care what you say" I continue to look for my gatherings.

He gets out of bed and I look at him, he is only in his boxers. That makes me wonder why I didn't have a shirt on and he only has boxers on. I trust him that he didn't doing anything, I mean wouldn't my vagina hurt still?

I shake me head to get rid of the thoughts, he moves his clothes around on the floor and reveal my purse. I look over to him, while he holds my purse up with his one finger "Found it"

I side smirk at him and grab it, then I slide my shoes on. "Thank you" I stand on my tippy toes and kiss him on his cheek and walk out. I power walk back to the dorm in this heat of weather. I start to sweat it's that bad. I think about what I am going to wear, what do I wear? Should I look professional? What about just casual? I have never done this before.

I keep thinking while I get back and grab my pantries for the showers and head down there. I bring a set of clothes to get changed into. I turn the water on. It's hot since there is no one else in here. I am thankful for that. I start to squeeze the soap into the palm of my hand and massage it into my scalp.

I finish my shower and change in a stall there is. I grab my belongings and walk back to the dorm. I walk in and Anabel still isn't back. I didn't expect she would be. She is with Liam still sleeping my guess is. I sit at the door mirror and dry my hair. I get my curler and do natural looking waves.

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