Chapter 6

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We got to Mertal May's café. We got a seat outside. It was lovely. Tables outside everywhere with umbrella's stuck in them. A black see through fence surrounding the property. Pretty brick, tall building handing around.

The table was square where we sat. it had a blue and yellow umbrella stuck through the middle.

"Get anything you guys want, Niall and I are paying" Liam said looking through the menu our waitress got for us.

I glanced over at Niall to see is reaction, there was nothing. i guess he and Liam worked it out before they came over. I was looking through the menu and saw something that really caught my eye.

I'm a sucker for Alfredo. I am a big ration of Tyrollean which is another form of Italian, just more higher class. It's called Chicken Alfredo Monster. I checked the price to make sure that it was a reasonable price for Liam and Niall.

'$10.99' it laid out on the menu. i smiled to my self knowing that i will be ordering this as my lunch.

"Know what you two want" Liam asked, it seem like Niall isn't talking very much.

"Yeah, i'm getting California Crazy Cranes" Anabel said, i looked at it on the menu to see what it is, it's thin noodles with chopped meat and some sauce, basically like spaghetti.

"Ariel" Liam turned his head to me slightly titled

"The 'Chicken Alfredo Monster" i reply with a smile.

" I heard that's good" i heard from a Niall looking at his menu. i didn't know how to reply to i just gave him a smile. but he didn't look up from the menu.

The boys ordered for me and Anabel, well Liam ordered for us.

"So when is your first game?" Liam asked Niall

"Tuesday at 2" Niall said eating, "will you all come" Niall asked meaning if Liam and the boys will make it.

"Course man, wouldn't miss it" Liam said eating his food.

The rest of our lunch consisted of small talk. i tried staying away from the conversations but when they'd ask me my opinion i'd give it to them. Niall didn't talk much either.

When we were wrapping things up Liam asked "do yous wanna come and watch some movies for the night"

Anabel turned to me to see if i wanted to, and i did. i gave her a supporting smile, she turned back to Liam "yeah" and we left for back to their house.

When we got in we went straight to the movie room. It was nice and had a big screen TV, i took my sunglasses off and looked around in awe. it was amazing. i was speechless to compliment the room.

Liam and Anabel went and sat up in the front i stayed to the back, to give them room. Anabel popped in '21 Jump Street '

I looked around for Niall because i wanted to know where he is, i guess he was looking for me since he was looking around and since he spotted me he jogged up the steps to sit by me. "Mind if i sit here" he pointed to the seat next to me.

"Go for it" i smiled

It was 20 minutes into the movie and i couldn't help but think those 20 minutes 'why wouldn't Niall talk at lunch or even look at me? I know that we're not fond of each other but i love when he talks, especially to me.

I just kept going into deep and deeper thought a out it all.

"What you tinking about?" Niall said. it was cute when he said 'tinking' his Irish voice couldn't say it 100% right.

"Uh, why didn't you talk or look at me when we were at lunch" i said trying to sound quite so Liam and Anabel wouldn't hear us.

"I didn't know you wanted to talk to me..-" he went on looking in my eyes and he held it.

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