Erza Scarlett

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Natsu's POV

"Ready and from the top!" I yelled at my band mates, Lauxus, Ice Princess (Gray), Metal Head (Gajeel) and Jellal.
"Who put you in charge, Flame Brain?" Ice Princess asked
"Me cause it was my idea to form a band and also I'm the lead singer!" I say smugly
"No I think that Jellal or Lauxus should be in charge," Metal Head commented. We all stared at him.
"I mean think about it, none of us are really responsible and theses two are-" he was cut of by every one but me

I stood there confused at what just happened.
"No I don't think Metal Head is right..." I thought, they all looked at me "I think the leader should be someone fun and perky and can brighten everyone's spirits after a bad day,"

Everyone stared at me looking even more shocked than before.

"HEY!" Me and Metal Head said clearly offended.
"Hey did you guys hear Erza Scarlett from Fairy Wings is joining our school," Jellal told us.
We all looked shocked.

Erza's POV

I walked into the classroom my schedule told me to go to and I walked in.
"Hello I'm Erza Scarlett the new transfer student," I said to the teacher. The class squealed, it didn't take them long to figure out who I was
"Look it's Erza from Fairy Wings!" Someone yelled out. A blonde haired girl looked up.
"Layla?" I yelled in confusion pointing at the girl. She froze.
"Erm, hi, my names Lucy Heart," she said awkwardly.
"Oh my bad, you look like Layla from my band," I explained, she shook her head then realised that everyone was staring at her. She shrank lower into her seat so no one could see her properly. Wow she can't be Layla she loves the attention.
"Sit there," the teacher says, "oh my names Mr Macao,"

Students yelled at me, they all wanted my autograph. I refused and said that me and Mira will hold an autograph session at break and lunch. Juvia and Levy was transferring here in a few days. I wonder where Layla goes to school?

Mira's POV

Geez, Erza, why did you have to say I'll sign autographs too? It's hard enough going through school on my own but you just had too make it harder by transferring here and now Juvia and Levy's coming too! Don't get me wrong I love them both very much but the whole band, but Layla, will be at the same school, especially as we are first in all the charts and have fans every where. Not only that but we model and and even been asked to star in a few movies. God we are pretty much one of the most famous people in the world.
"Mira I'm so sorry about this," Erza apologised, again!
"Erza it's ok, this is how I spend most of my time any way," I replied. Well when I'm not hiding in the place no one is allowed but the teachers let me go there for some peace and quiet. No wonder Layla refuses to give her surname and any information about her life to the public! I mean I really wish I'd of done that as well. We became famous about 2 years ago so we're still considered new but we climbed to the top in a year and a half and have stayed there no one really much of a challenge especially with Layla's angelic singing voice that, I don't know how, calms anyone who hears it.

Lucy's POV


Erza nearly recognised me and I heard Levy and Juvia are also transferring here! DAMIT! Why is life so annoying? In class today I nearly chocked to see Erza. I've been lucky Mira never gave me a time of day but Erza noticed me. God I'm screwed! Please someone help me especially as Levy is super smart and will work it out in no time and Juvia. Actually Juvia would be fine. Why is life so cruel???

Jellal's POV

My crush since they became a band and were slightly famous. Erza Scarlett she looked even better in person than any picture I've ever seen, what's more she smiled at me. I'm pretty sure my face went 100 shades of red. Probably redder than her hair. She didn't seem to notice though as she had all her other fans too worry about. I'm going to have great dreams once school is over!!

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