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Hi hope you enjoy this chapter, this is a short one just to set the stage :)
Ciara Bravo- Hayley Green
(Movie actors as each character they played)
Snapes pov 11years ago
I step over Potters dead corpse, moving up the stairs. There were very view signs of a struggle. If I didn't know better I'd assumed the potters were simply not home. Unfortunately I did know better. I turn a corner and enter the nursery. My heart stopped, tears threatened to fall? Lily was dead, her life flashed before my eyes. Why did she have to die now? Over the passed two years we had rekindled our friendship, she had even written me while in hiding. I'd just gotten her back. My gaze moved from my dead friend to the two babies sitting in two cribs. One had a scar on his forehead and the other had a dull green hair. I couldn't stay here any longer, I stumbled out of the house into the street. Albus was standing in the street as if waiting for me.

"Why did the children survive when Lily didnt!" I cried out in anguish.

"Severus those children will need you... both where struck with the killing curse," Dumbldore explained,

"They survived..." I murmured,

"Harry was given blood protection, Hayley she was given the killing curse itself" Dumbldore explained, I furrowed my brow.

"What could you possibly mean,"

"I'm not quite sure at this stage," Albus said absentmindedly popping a lolly in his mouth. My lips formed a line. How could he not know. How could the great Albus Dumbledore not know?

"Where will they go,"

"The Dursleys will take Harry, Hayley will unfortunately go to an orphanage," Albus explained, they were being split up? Lily would never want this.

"That's not what Lily-"

"The decision has been made Severus, you are not their father regretfully that means you get no choice," Albus's features were plastered with a sympathetic look.

He would never see reason however he was right I was not their father. I apparated to spinners end. I noticed an owl sitting on my doorstep, lily's owl and it has a letter in its beak. I took the letter from the owl and entered my home. The home that was two streets away from where Lily had grown up. I collapsed into my armchair, Carefully I opened Lily's final letter to me.

He is here, Sirius + Albus will care for Harry. Please take care of Hayley.
I'm sorry

Tears dropped onto the paper, she wrote this moments before her death. Her dying wish is for me to care for Hayley and I just let albus take her away. I'm so sorry Lily. I vow to protect that girl when she arrived at Hogwarts no matter what. She will be safe Lily I swear it.

Later that evening

Dumbledore carried a small bundle of blankets to a tall concrete building, the paint on the walls had faded. The sign simply had the word orphanage written in bold crooked letters. He slowly walked up the three stone steps and lowered the bundle of blankets to the floor clipping a note to the blanket.

"Hayley you will return to the wizard in World, your world, Professor Severus Snape is awaiting your return. Don't let him down Like I must,"

Dumbledore knocked loudly on the oak doors and disapparated leaving a crying Hayley alone to discovered a moment later by the matron.

5 years ago Hayley's pov

I sat under the great big apple tree, the long grass never bothered me. Most of my classmates complained of ants and creepy crawlys but those critters never touched me. If anything I rarely saw any that were alive! The rustling of the grass told me of my classmates approach, I looked up to see a red headed boy, Jake.

"Green headed freak," he muttered when he saw me, I tried my best to ignore them.

"Leave her alone!" A girl with pitch black hair yelled storming up and punching Jake in the mouth! He grunted before stalking away.

"I'm Jaime," she said I smiled waving at her,

3 years ago

Jaime and I were walking home from school, friends for four years with us both being orphans we were all each other had. I wasn't a hugger so most of our interactions were verbal. I told her about my hopes, the incidents when things would happen around me unexplainable things, the things I wished I had. She returned the favour, we had become inseparable. We shared laughs, stood up for each other and so much more. Having a Best friend was amazing! Jaime and I had even planned our future together.

As we arrived at the orphanage Jaime threw her arms around me in a hug. Suddenly a bright green light flashed,thud, Jaime had collapsed onto the floor. I let out a pained scream for the matron, she rushed out onto the patio and immediately called the ambulance. Not long after that they arrived and wheeled Jaime and the matron away. I stood frozen in place... Jaime had touched me then dropped dead.

They lowered Jaime's coffin into the ground, tears rolled down my cheeks. I lost my only friend, I was alone again. I vowed never to let another person close to me...

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