Chapter 54

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Hayley's pov

"Happy birthday Lion,"

Sev said placing the small cake in front of me, in neat frosting calligraphy the words 'Happy 16th' were written. I grinned up at my father, he cut up two slices. I hummed happily shovelling a spoonful of frosting into my mouth. Severus chuckled, taking a bite of cake. He let out a grunt as a dollop of icing fell onto his white tee shirt. He excused himself and walked up the stairs. The movement he was out of sight their was a knock at the window behind the couch. George's head popped into view, he quickly glanced around. He locked eyes with me and grinned. George suddenly appeared in the living room. He had apparated in. He was wearing a long stripped shirt that matached his hair along with beige pants that were stained with various bright colours. George grinned and placed a finger on his lips. He moved to towards me. He bumped his knee against the end table causing him to stumble. He jutted his arms out, his hands landed either side of me on the table. I looked up at him with wide eyes. A sheepish look washed over his features. We locked eyes for a moment, his blue eyes held an emotion I couldn't quite place. Slowly he moved one hand off the table and slipped it into his pocket He brandished a small box, I opened my mouth to speak but he shushed me quickly. George drops it gently into my lap, returning his hand to the table.

"Happy birthday Hayls," he whispered,

I opened the little blue box to reveal two charms. One was a red and gold jewel set in silver the other was a green and silver jewel set in gold. A note sat in between the two charms. The words 'For your bracelet, the gryffindor from a family of slytherin' were written in Georges messy scrawl. I looked back up at him my mouth slightly ajar unsure what to say. A smile danced on my lips. He was still leaning over me hands on either side of me.

"Mr Weasley step away from my daughter,"

George immediately pulled away straightening up. Sev was standing at the bottom was the stares with a very displeased look on his face. All the colour left George's face as he began to stammer. incoherent nonsense began to fall from his lips. Sev held up his hand immediately silencing the younger man. Sev's lips were pressed in a tight thin line. He took a slow decisive step towards George. I cringed as my father stalked towards us. He stood between George and I blocking my view of The Weasley.

"Get. Out," his voice was deeply quiet

George shot me a sympathetic look before apparating. Severus turned towards me his look of displeasure was replaced by a very stern expression. He sat down beside me, I glanced down choosing to stare at my half eaten slice of cake. I'm so screwed. I'm dead. So dead. I'll never be allowed out the house again. I mean at least I wasn't snogging him...

"I believe it is time we had a discussion about the rules surrounding boys," Sev said his voice unwavering.

Sev turned his chair to face me. He leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. I cringed and my gaze dropped down to the cake,  I continued to find the now abandoned slice of cake fascinating.

"Boys will use the front door and Lupin or I will be home, Use protections-"

"Dad!" I cried burying my head in my hands. This was mortifying.

"I'm completely serious young lady-"

"He doesn't like me!"

I yelped cutting Severus off before he could go any further. He raised an eyebrow at me and let out a scoff. My cheeks started to heat up. A swelling feeling over took my chest as I glared at my father. his eyebrows threatened to retreat into his hairline. A smirk formed on his lips.

"He likes you," Severus said in a matter of fact tone. I let out an exasperated sigh

"He does not!" I snapped.

"He does,"

"He does not!"

"Who doesn't like who?" Remus hummed.

He stepped through the front door closing it behind him. I shot a pleading look at Remus. He would save me right? Remus raised an eyebrow at me with a bemused expression. His eyes darted to Severus. He is going to save me right? They shared a look a smirk spread across my godfathers lips. He is going to save me right?

"George likes Hayley," Severus spoke in a nonchalant tone leaning his elbow against the table. Remus made an O with his mouth.

"Your father be right Cub, he was a teenage boy after all," Remus snorted. He was definitely not going to save me.

He strode over to me and place a wrapped box on the counter. Severus flicked his wand and two wrapped rectangles plopped down beside Remus's box. I tore off the paper from Remus's first, it was a small stuffed plush stag. The stag had some faded stains and looked worn. Under it was a red and gold leather bound book. I placed the stage next to box and picked up the book. Carefully I opened it. Tears spring to my eyes. It was a photo album. Photos of me, harry, Sirius, remus, Mum and dad... I looked up at Remus who also had tears in his eyes. My eyes dropped back to the page. The first photo was dad. James. holding me up to the camera.

SLAM Severus's hand came in contact with the table he stood up suddenly. A ice cold look on his face. I glanced at Remus, his face was contorted in a grimace. Severus swiftly exited the room muttering about how he was to be left alone.

"Severus it's your daughters birth-" Remus tried pleading with him,

"I wish to left alone," Sev snapped cutting Remus off.

I stared at my hands. What was wrong with Sev? Did I do something? So many questions buzzed around in my head. A sick feeling began swirling in the pit of my stomach. Remus sat down in Sev's vacated chair.

"It ok Cub your dads not mad at you," He soothed. I didn't look up at him. Remus let out a sigh, he dropped stag into my lap.

"James gave that to you,"

Clutching it gently in both hands I stroked my pinky finger along the Stags nose. It had been mine once. Strangely it felt familiar in my hands but I have no memory of it. I clutched it too my chest. Tears dropped into my lap.

"Oh hey hey it's ok Moony is here,"

Severus's pov

Hours had passed since I'd stormed out of my daughters birthday party. What kind of father does that? James Potter wouldn't have. Merlin. That photo. Sometimes I forget who her biological father is. James Potter will always be apart of her. Apart of my daughter. Just like Lily. Just like Lupin. Just like Black. With a deep sigh I dragged myself up from my chair hauling my sorry behind down stairs

Hayley was sitting on the couch Remus in the arm chair. My gifts for her were still wrapped on the coffee table. The stag and album weren't there I imagine she put them in her room. I tentatively sat down beside her. Remus stood up suddenly.

"I should probably get going, happy birthday Cub... Severus," with that he apparated away.

"Lion, I'm sorry for walking out," I said gently,

"It's ok dad, can we open the presents now?" She looked up at me hopefully. I nod with a smile. She quickly tore away the wrapping paper to reveal, two charms books. One old and one new. I pointed to the old one

"That was your mothers,"

Severus Snapes Daughter |Hayley Snape|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora