Chapter 53

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Severus's pov

"The position of defence against the dark arts will be filled by Professor Snape," Albus announced.

The hall was silent other then confused murmurings and the applause of Slytherins. With a flick of Albus's wand the food appeared on the tables commencing the feast. After placing some food on my plate out of habit my eyes searched the students for Hayley. To make sure she was eating a sufficient amount. That's peculiar, I couldn't see a single dot of green hair in the sea of students. I searched for the twins... right they had dropped out. Has she skipped dinner? All together? She hadn't done that since her moronic little Animagus adventure.  Pushing my plate away I stood up. I strode out of the hallway my cloak billowed behind me. The halls were unusually quiet, the staff and students were in the great hall. Most of The ghosts were also in the great hall meeting the first years. However the portraits weren't even whispering.

"Professor Snape!" Headless Nick said breaking the eerie silence. He floated towards me and stopped me dead in my tracks.

"If you are searching for your daughter I might suggest looking in the alcove beside Minerva's class," The ghost spoke.

Hayley's pov

I stared out over the lake. The moon light reflected in the rippling water. A sigh escaped my lips and I rested my head against wall. Hogwarts wasn't the same without the twins. I didn't know who I was going to sit with at meals. Harry would be ok with me sitting with him but honestly we aren't as close as we should be. We've never been closer then friends. Tears dotted my eyes. My stomach made a quiet rumbling sound.

"Dungeon, now,"

I turned to see Severus standing in the shadows. With a sigh I Pulled myself up and he lead me down to the dungeons. He opened the door to his office to reveal two plates of potato, sausage and orange juice sitting on his desk. We took a seat in our usual chairs. Starving I shovelled food into my mouth. Severus let out a relieved sigh. Before starting to take bites of his food. We ate in almost complete silence. Once I finished my food I sat there silently. Would Severus allow me to stay down here? In the dungeons? I glanced up at him. He was busy marking papers while absentmindedly taking a few bites occasionally. He glanced up at me, a small smile formed on his lips.

"Yes Lion?"

"Could I live down here instead of the dorm?" I asked, Severus put down his quill and looked at my sympathetically.

"Lion... you have to live in the dorms but you can stay here tonight," Severus said gently,

he flicked his wand vanishing both of our now empty plates. With another flick of his wand a seventh year charms book floated into the room. It dropped in front of me. Severus picked up his quill and continued marking the papers. I opened the book, on the first page was written 'this book is property of the half blood prince'. I recognised to be

"Sev? Why the half blood prince,"

"My mothers maiden name was prince and I'm half blood," Sev explained never looking away from the papers.

I turned the page in the book and starting reading about the gouging charm. A spell that could gouge a hole through any material but usually used on earth or rock. 'Defiodo'. De-FOH-dee-oh. I let out a yawn. Wand movement, down, right, down. I turned the page, the next spell was Ascendio, it could propel the caster into the air. I let out another yawn. ah-SEN-dee-oh. The wand movement was like drawing a six in the air. Charms was by far my favourite and best subject.

A yawn escaped me as I turned to the next page. Suddenly the book floated out of my grip and returned to the shelves. I furrowed my brow turning back to my father.

"Bedtime Lion," Sev smiled at me.

He flicked his wand towards the couch transfiguring it to a bed. Then he flicked his want at me transfiguring my uniform into pyjamas. I got up and threw myself onto the newly transfigured bed. Severus chuckled at my antics. He pulled the blanket over me a soft smile on his features.

"Sweet dreams Lion," he hummed gently

Severus's pov

I sat at my desk marking papers. Occasionally I'd look up to check Hayley was still sleeping peacefully. I had sent a letter to Minerva asking for Hayley to be allowed to remain in the Twins old dorm. I doubted I would be told no. Unfortunately with the twins gone Hayley would most likely be stuck with Potter. Suddenly the floo roared to life and a letter floated through. My eyes darted over to Hayley, luckily she was still fast asleep. I bent down picking up the scorched piece of paper.

I need to see you in my office,
The curse is spreading,

With a sigh I stepped into the fireplace and flooed to Albus's office. He was sitting in his chair petting fawks. His entire left hand had turned black. I sucked in a breath, he is dying. I flicked my wand summoning the cure from my office. It floated over to albus who downed it immediately.

"Severus how long?" Albus said,

"Not long, we are slowing it but soon it will spread," I explained sitting in the chair beside Albus,

"You are going to have to kill me Severus," Albus said surprising me. I let out a deep sigh.

"I know,"

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