Chapter 15

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Hayley's pov

I sat watching the quidditch patch, Fred and George always insisted I come to the matches. The cold air stung my face as the player whizzed by. My attention shifted to Harry who was hovering at the corner of the field. Malfoy flew up behind him, a yawn fell from my lips as i watched the two seekers watch quietly, a flash of gold caught my gaze. My eyes flicked to Harry, he hadn't seen it yet but it appeared never had Malfoy. Suddenly both boys took off presumably after the snitch, good that would mean the game would finish soon. Quidditch stressed me since the crowds shoving and pushing. I feared I would touch someone in the hustle and bustle. I glanced over to the teachers stand, Snape seemed exceeding bored, we made eye contact a small smile flickered onto his face. I waved at him, he responded by fondly shaking his head.

Whoosh, my hair smacked my face I gasped as a bludger sped past me. Harry flew under the bleachers Malfoy not far behind, the bleachers suddenly jerked forward causing a torrent of screams from the first years.

"What the hell was that?!" I exclaimed Hermione gave me a panicked sideways glance,

"I'm not sure," Hermione said as the Bleachers jerked again, my hands flew forward and grabbed the railing. George flew towards me and hovered in front of the stand.

"Watch out Hayls," He called out before Shooting off

The seekers burst from the bleachers. They are flying so close to the ground, Malfoy crashed into the dirt I snorted out a laugh he deserved that. Harry strained reaching for the snitch, my heart dropped, he was standing on his broom! The utter moron! He break his neck if he falls!

"Is he mad?" Hermione gasped,

"He has to be!" I exclaimed,

My eyes widened, the bludger hurtled towards his arm. he wrapped his fingers around the snitch. I let out a scream as a sickening crunch echoed through the pitch.

"Harry!" Hermione and I shrieked in unison as we pushed our way through the crowd.

I sprinted down to my brothers crumpled form, the professors were already surrounding Harry. Snape made eye contact with me he moved towards me. My attention was drawn to Harry as Lockhart shoved his way towards Harry

"Don't worry I have the perfect spell for this,"

"Professor that's really not-" I tried,

"No need to worry my dear, your brother will be alright," Lockhart dismissed my concerns,

"Really Professor!" Harry tried,

"Brackium Emendo," Lockhart announced,

The crowd gasped as Harry's arms turned to jelly as if there were no... bones left... oh no. I looked at Lockhart with murder in my gaze, He spelled away Harry's bones. Hagrid and Lockhart were speaking but it was only a dull drone in my ears. I glared at Lockhart, did his incompetence have no bounds? Hagrid stood up carrying Harry away as the professors began dismissing the students. Snape approached me, I looked up at him.

"Miss Green follow me," he drawled,

Snape stalked off, with a sigh I followed him into the castle. The cold air of the castle hit my skin. It cooled my temper a bit but I was still fuming. Snape glanced back at me every few minutes as we made our way down to the dungeons.

Snape's pov

The incident on the quidditch pitch must be playing on the poor girls mind. She looked murderous on the field, oh Lily I know I need to get her to talk about this but how? I dont want to scare her off, Hayley has only just begun to open up to me. She hasn't seemed to open up to anyone else not even Potter. Maybe the Twins. I used windless magic to open the door to my office, Silently I sat at my desk, Hayley across from me. I leaned forward and folded my hands.


"About what?" She mumbled, her eyes suddenly widened,

"Am I in trouble?" Her voice held a twinge of panic, I softened.

"No, this is simply a welfare check," I hummed. She visibly relaxed.

"he is a moron," she muttered crossing her arms over her chest,

I had to fight the urge to smile every time she opened up to me a little bit more. I nodded, lily always preferred when someone listened instead of trying to fix the problem. I hoped Hayley would be the same.

"He stood on his broom, but somehow that useless man managed to remove Harry's bones! How do you even manage that?" She grumbled,

I snorted at that last part, she was right Lockhart's performance was truly pathetic. She seemed to calm slightly sinking in her chair. a small smile played on my lips, how could she have never been adopted? Perhaps... I should... no... not yet maybe one day she will be my child. images of her sitting in the living room at spinners ends, in the lab learning potions, putting her to bed, making dinner with her-

"Severus?" My head shot up, her face turned to one of panic.

"Professor I'm so sorry! You weren't responding and I was worried, I thought it would, I know I shouldn't have-" she rambled,

"it's Alright Miss Green, however its best you only refer to me by my name in private," I spoked a smile on my lips,

"Call me Hayley... Severus,"

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