Chapter 33

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Tiny but slice of life and I have got to know what's everyone think of Snape as a dad?
Hayley's pov

"I can't believe you quit Moony!" I exclaimed as I sat down at the dinner table.

Sev sat at the head of the table reading the paper. Remus and Sev did their best to get along for my sake, Remus seemed to find this easier then Sev. Sometimes they argued over little things, like my first night at spinners end it was a little chilly Sev piled four blankets on me and Remus insisted that was overdoing it. A small bickering match started up, blanket on, blanket off. 'She's my daughter' 'she's my goddaughter' argument pops up every time. I wrote Harry often sometimes including a letter to Sirius since Hedwig was the only owl that knew where he was. It's only been two months and I already loved my little family. I'd grown accustomed to my new life as a Snape.

"It's the way life is Cub," Remus hummed, I scowled I hate how prejudiced the world is against Remus.

Tap tap tap, I turned my head to the window. An owl was tapping on the glass with two letters in his beak, Severus flicks his wand opening the window. The owl flew over and dropped the letters in front of me before soaring back out the window. Two envelops one from Hogwarts and the other from Harry.
Hayley Snape
Spinners End
I smiled as I read the letters rubbing my thumb over them. I was still getting used to seeing my new name. Carefully I opened the envelop from hogwarts pulling out the folded paper,

"Give that here, we will go to Diagon alley to get the books," Sev said I handed him the letter.

"It says Snape on it," I grinned at him he chuckled nodding giving me a small smile. I opened the one from Harry still smiling.

Guess what? The new fire bolt Sirius bought me is amazing! Ron and I have been flying all summer. Ireland is versusing Bulgaria in the World Cup they have a great seeker Bulgaria. Mr Weasley also won some tickets to the World Cup and guess what! You and Snape and Professor Lupin can come to! Come to the burrow on Friday. Tickets are on the back of this letter. Can't wait to see you Hayley
We aren't as close as I'd like.
Ps Fred and George said hi

Quidditch has a World Cup? I turned the letter over tapped to the back was three tickets. I despite my lack of interest in quidditch this event did sound fun. Plus Fred and George would be there too. I turned to Sev slowly unsure how to start asking for this, he'd already given me too much.

"Sev, I was wondering- you see um you, me and Remus have been invited to the World Cup-"

"Alright," he said cutting me off and turned back to his paper, my jaw dropped. After a moment I closed my mouth then it broke out into a grin. Remus chuckled at my expression. I quickly scrawled an answer on a napkin, I looked at Remus hopefully. He rolled his eyes and vanished the napkin sending it to Harry. He leaned forward a smile on his face.

"When do we have to be at the burrow Cub?"

"Day after tomorrow,"

"Homework time Lion," Sev hummed

I nodded grinning before darting up the stairs to MY room. I'd never had a room that was properly mine, yes at the orphanage I had been assigned a room but they made sure to remind us we do not own the room.

Severus's pov

Remus grinned at me from across the table, he irked me. He acted as if we were old buddies, as if the history with his friends never happened. While I'll admit he was the nicer of the lot he was still one of them. His smile faltered and he ran a hand through his hair. I cocked an eyebrow at him. My disdain must have been evident on my face.

"Severus we need to at least try to like each other if not to make our own lives easier then make hers easier," he said punctuating each word. He gestured to the stair well that led to where my daughter's room was. I sighed. He was right. Hayley loved us both. I know we need to get along but it was quite hard to let go of the past.

"I'm aware Lupin," he stood up suddenly shaking his head.

"Tell her I'll see her tomorrow,"

With that he apparated away, I sighed. He really was right. We'd have to get along if we wanted to raise her well. Quiet footsteps drew my attention to the stairs where a very sheepish girl was clutching her homework in one hand a quill in the other. She walked over and took a seat beside me,

"Sev your potions homework is too hard," she mumbled placing the paper in front of her. I chuckled, I made a tutting sound with my tongue.

"It isn't too hard however perhaps you just require some assistance,"

Hayley's pov

Severus explained everything slowly and clearly periodically pausing to check if I understood. Which I was starting too. The more we worked The more I understood. It began seeming so simple now. Each ingredient had a set of effects and its just a matter of remeberjng what cancels out what. It was nice having Sev help me. Towards the end of the third page my mind began wandering, A warm feeling settled in my chest as my dad helped me. My dad. I have a dad. He was here. He was helping me. He has given me a home. I bit my tongue to stop the giddy laugh from tumbling out of my mouth, my eyes darted up to meet the dark eyes of my father who was giving me an odd look.

"Lion?" He asked,



Severus Snapes Daughter |Hayley Snape|Where stories live. Discover now