Another Naruto Story: Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


“Hinata did you hear that?” Hitomi asked, the rain poured making it virtually impossible to hear anything.

“No.” Hinata said then a gust of wind pushed them over into the mud. Hitomi was able to get up after being knocked into a bolder.  She took small steps as she walked towards the wind and flowing chakra the closer she got the more it her and snapped at her skin. By the time she stopped walking her body was covered in slits and bruises.

“You’re a stupid as your brother.”  A voice said.

“I’m as hard headed as him too.” Hitomi yelled back. She finally saw it was Neji. “You don’t listen do you? I said stay away from Hinata!” Hitomi yelled and ran at him with a kunai.

“Pointless attack Hitomi I know it’s a substitution jutsu!” Neji said then kicked at Hitomi.

“Are you kidding me I use the real deal.” Hitomi said then pulled Neji’s arm back. “Substitutions are for chickens.”  Neji tripped her over then Hinata ran over and got Neji right in the face. “Eat dirk!” Hitomi yelled and shoved his face into the ground. “Now why, *coughs* have you *coughs* been scaring the heck out of Hinata, *coughs up blood* Neji!?” Hitomi pulled his face up by his hair.

Scared, I told you I needed to talk to her.” Neji said spitting out dirt.”

“Okay then spill.” Hitomi said with her foot pushed down on his back.

“I’d like to speak to her alone.” Neji said. Hitomi looked at Hinata, Hinata nodded.

“Fine, but Hinata yell as loud as you can if he does anything funny.” Hitomi said forcefully yanking then dropping Neji’s head hardly onto the floor then she walked over to the lake.

“I don’t know how to say this so… *kisses*”

“Neji-danna… I-I I have to go.” Hinata said then ran off. Neji put out his hand but missed.

“Hinata what’s wrong?” Hitomi asked.

“N-Nothing, I have to-to g-go h-home n-now.” Hinata said running off. Hitomi looked at her blurry reflection in the water.  She could see as the rain washed away the mud. As the slits in her skin slowly healed and as the slow rhythm of the rain helped her think.

Start of Hitomi’s P.O.V.

I need to stop thinking for a second; I need to clear my mind of everything, and everyone. I thought then Neji walked by and sat next to me staring into the lake.

“I can tell you this Neji.” He turned around and faced me. “You had me really going when I was in the basement, when I was running, and when I was pushed into that bolder.” I said.

“Have you ever,” He was saying I faced him.

“Eh?” I asked.

“Have you ever been in love with someone so much it hurt, even though, you knew it was wrong to love that certain person?” Neji asked I grinned.

“No, but I can relate.” I thought thinking about Sasuke. “But I know who you’re talking about.” I said still looking into my reflection as the water droplets messed and morphed it.

“What, how did you know?” He asked.

“You say that I’m as stupid as my brother. Everyone is always comparing me to Naruto. But if you really looked you could see the few and miniscule differences that make us different. When I tell people this they think I’m crazy. They say: ‘Well how you of all people could know when someone likes someone. You yourself have never been in love.’” I said. “Well really I’ve noticed from all the people that are in love have there own way of telling if someone is in love. But if you have never felt that unique and personal way of love you can tell by the way people themselves act around that certain people by the way of there attitude and back round. You and Sasuke for example: Smart, quiet, etc. You’re always pounding on that one certain person and you pound on Hinata thinking that it will masquerade the fact that you like her. I myself have never been in love: I’ve never tried to imagine it. So this way you can pay more attention to other people.” I said.

“Hmph, pretty intelligent comment, coming from an Uzumaki so I was right after all you don’t like Sasuke and Sasuke doesn’t like you. He likes Naruto, you’re just trying to help him and keep his secret safe. Why would you give this information to me?” Neji asked.

“Well, because I know you won’t tell if I don’t tell about your dirty little secret.” I said smirking as I stared into my twisted reflection.

“Black-male huh, well that’s fine but what if Hinata-”

“She won’t tell I can tell by the way she ran out.” I said. “Well I have to get home, lunch is calling.” I said then got up, but Neji grabbed my arm.

“You’re not like other girls.” Neji said I grinned.

“I know.” I said though I wasn’t sure what made me different from other girls. That’s the second time I’ve heard someone tell me that.

As I walked on I saw two figures walking towards me one of them sped up. Naruto, I thought.

“Gah, Sasuke was right you were here. Where’s Hinata?” Naruto asked.

Secrets, secrets, secrets, “She said she had to go. False alarm, Neji just had to tell her that she left her clothes in the dryer to long!” I said raising my hands up into to the grey depressing sky.

“Neji made a big deal about that?” Naruto asked then Sasuke walked forward.

End of Hitomi’s P.O.V.

Start of Sasuke’s P.O.V.

Yeah right, Neji wouldn’t go through all the trouble to tell Hinata she left her clothes in the dryer. I thought to myself. But Naruto seems to be buying it. Why is Hitomi hiding this, she obviously got into a fight.

“What about all those scratches on your arms?” Naruto asked.

“Oh these, I went a little overboard on Neji.” Hitomi said giving a big fox grin and scratching her head. “Hey let’s go before we catch a cold.” Hitomi said pushing us forward.

End of Sasuke’s P.O.V.

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