Chapter Ten

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*Alexandria's p.o.v*

Looking out my window all I saw was darkness. Was it the darkness in my soul I ask? Or just the dark of the night? This night wasn't any normal night. It was a night of sorrow. A night of guilt. A night of pure anger. Once again I am in this mess. Once again I myself am in danger. "Alex." Brown piercing eyes now starring deep into mine. "Are you okay?" I now realized the car was stopped and we were somewhere in the middle of no where. "Not really." I breathed out searching his eyes for some sort of answer. "Alex. We don't have much time to talk let's go in." I ripped my gaze from his and flung the door open and began rushing inside. "Alex wait!" I stopped in my tracks and stumbled around to see a distraught looking Blake. "You cannot go in there alone. Just wait." I now folded my arms and allowed his lead way as we approached the front door. "Good to see you captain!" I jumped startled as a deep voice bellowed those words out. "And who might this be?" Blake smiled proudly in my direction as if I was some sort of grand prize. "This is a friend who is going to be staying with us for a while." I smiled in response un sure of what to say. "Well come on in! We love new company!"


"Alex take these and go shower and change. As soon as you go up the steps it's the first door on your right."

As I made my way up the staircase I couldn't help but gaze around. A place that seemed so little was actually beautiful.

My hands danced along the railing as I had finally reached the top of the staircase and I darted for the door as I couldn't wait to take a shower.

"Alex, you're probably wondering how I had time to write this note and lay these things out for you before you had a chance to arrive. Let's just say I'm magic? Please take the Advil I have laid out for you and drink the water with it. Enjoy your shower."

I smiled at the little note that laid in front of me. Blake is such a genuine person. I quickly downed the water and Advil before I laid in the bath to relax.

As I laid in the bath I could hear faint yelling from below the floor that didn't sound too good.


I gulped at the word killed. What could he mean by that?


Protect me? Protect me from what? From who?


Boss? Are they in a gang? What could I possibly be getting myself into?

"Alex? Are you alright you've been in there quiet a while."

I quickly jumped up and threw my towel on and opened the door acting as though I was coming out.

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry Blake I didn't mean to take so long.

Blake raked my body before he could even respond.

"N-n- no worries Alex I'll be leaving now."

I smiled as he left and quickly threw on my clothes before laying in bed and falling into a deep sleep.

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