Chapter Eight

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(Alexandria's p.o.v)

My eyes shot open as I felt someone lightly shaking me. "Alex wake up I made some breakfast." I squinted my eyes confused as I slowly tried making out the face. "W-w-where am I?" I questioned as I looked around. "Don't worry about that right now just come eat." I quickly shook my head furiously "Where's my baby! Why aren't I at work!" I yelled as I was now petrified of what was going on. "Everything has been taken care of I will explain too you after you finish eating and take this pill." I glared in his direction as he was handing me a water bottle and pill. "How do I know you're not trying too kill me?" He laughed at me as if this was some kind of joke. "Alex it's just Advil too make you feel better." I took his word for it and swallowed the pill but trust me I wasn't the one too always take random pills from strangers but he seemed genuine. "Now let's get some food in your stomach so you don't get sick." I slowly but surely followed him too his kitchen in his huge house trying too remember my way through. "Here sit." I did as followed and scarfed down the warm eggs and bacon. "So since you listened too me I think it's time I explain to you who I am." I followed his swift movements with my eyes as he paced back and forth trying too spit the words out. "My name is Blake Ritter. I'm sure you're wondering how I found you? Well I'm still trying too figure that out myself." I glared in his direction as he stopped too a halt staring blankly into the ground. "What do you mean you're still trying too figure that out?" He quickly shot his stare to my direction as if I terrified him. "We'll discuss that another time let's get going."  I gasped as my shoulder was grabbed within seconds and pulled away. Where could we possibly be going now?

A/n: Sorry it's so short guys I've been working so much I'm trying too update and keep this going please
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