Chapter Eleven

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Alexandria's p.o.v

I woke up startled as I heard soft yelling coming from down stairs. Although I wasn't fully awake I could still make out the words. "BLAKE ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID. GET RID OF HER OR WE WILL." I gulped and quickly jumped up terrified. "STOP IT NOW. SHE IS HERE TO HELP." I paced back and forth as I tried to think of escape plans but sadly nothing would work.

I quietly tip toed from my room to the stairs as I hadn't heard anything more planning my escape. "Good morning Alexandria. You must be hungry?" I froze and slowly turned around to see Blake smiling that genuine smile he always smiles with a coffee mug in his hands. "Uh-um yeah..." was all I could choke out thinking of the words screamed this morning. "Come on let's feed you."

I scarfed down the eggs and bacon not realizing how hungry I actually was. "Thank you Blake. It was so good." I purred out looking at my now clean plate. "I'm glad you enjoyed Alex. We have a party to go to in a few so go ahead and take your time to get ready."

My eyes raked the closet that stood in front of me. What could I possibly wear? I had so many options but I just couldn't make a decision. "That red dress would look absolutely breath taking on you." My breath  hitched in my throat and I turned around to see a lustful Blake in the door way gazing at me. "You think? I can't make my mind up." Blake chuckled and nodded as he now came closer to pull the dress out. "I not only think but I know. If you don't like it you could always wear something else it was only a suggestion." I blushed and nodded as I starred at the dress up and down. "It's really beautiful." I hummed out as I looked at the satin red gown that laid in front of me. "You sure I could pull it off?" I questioned. "Go on and try it on I'm going to finish getting ready."

I gazed up and down at the dress that laid on me now. It's as if this dress was made just for me. It hugged my curves so perfectly I couldn't believe that this dress was just bought randomly. I smiled as I flipped my hair back and forth. I haven't felt this beautiful in a while. "Alex..." I quickly stood up straight and looked to my left to see Blake in the door way gawking at my appearance. "You look very beautiful..." I smiled and looked down now feeling very self conscious. "Come on we're going to be late."

"Stay close to my side tonight. Any man asks you're my girlfriend. These guys at these parties are very desperate." I nodded as I took in the information. "You ready?" Blake breathed out as he grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his. "Yes." I had bellowed as we stumbled into the party.

Blake had left me to go get drinks for us. I sat on the couch thinking of what's going to happen. Will I ever be with my family again? Why do I always end up in these situations? "Hey there pretty lady! Are you okay? Who you here with?" I quickly broke my train of thought to now see a young bearded man in front of my face reading of liquor. "Hello. I'm fine and I'm here with my boyfriend he's getting us some drinks." He began chuckling a bubbly laugh. "And who may that be?" He pressed. "Blake Ritter." I snarled out. "That clown? Let's have some baby huh?"  The man soon began moving his hands up my dress and the tears welled in my eyes as the last incident replayed in my head. "It'll feel good I promise." It's as if I was frozen as his hand played with my underwear. "GET OFF OF HER!" A yell echoed out. "Hey man I was just fixing her dress!" The man yelled. "THEN WHY IS SHE SHAKING AND CRYING!" And with that the liquored up man was on the floor unconscious. "Let's go Alex."

The car ride home was silent. The only thing heard was my soft cries and Blakes mumbling. "Alex everything is okay." I only wish those words were true. Everyone in my life has only tried to use me. Including my teacher.

"Lay down and I'll tuck you in." I nodded and did as told. "Sleep tight Alex I'm sorry for tonight." Blake had softly called out as he turned the light off. "Blake?" I called as he was just about to leave. "Yes Alex?" He muttered. "Could you... could you come and hold me for tonight?" He froze as if he was uncertain. "Are you sure Alex?" I slowly nodded and he began his way towards me and slowly slipped in the bed wrapping his arms around my tiny figure and nestling his head in my neck. And within minutes I was slowly fast asleep.

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