Chapter Thirteen

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My thoughts raced through my mind as all I could think about was if Joey and Nadia were okay. I know Joey would take very good care of Nadia, but I miss them very much. The rain was the only noise I heard as I looked out and up to the sky. I thought about doing something I never do much of anymore and that was praying. I wanted to pray that I was never born and that my one and only daughter wouldn't have to live with the thought of her mother always running from something. But instead I prayed for something much better then that, I prayed I would get out of this situation. I prayed these hard times would only get better. I pray-.

"Alex, are you okay?" a voice called out.

Was I okay? How does it feel to be okay.

"Yes, I'm fine." I whispered.

Really I wish I was fine. I wish I could have my happy life back.

"You don't seem fine. Would you like too talk?"

"Not really."

"Alex, look we are going to fix everything. We aren't bad guys. We just want this Dean guy gone for good. And you can help us get to him."

Gone for good? I wish I was gone for good.

"And how exactly am I supposed to help you do that? Me and Dean aren't even on good terms and I have no where a bouts of him."

Not that I even want any in the first place.

"We have a plan for that. Just trust me on this."

Blake began scuffling around and finally came in front of me holding my cell phone.

"Here, take this and text Dean."

For fuck's sake this guy is nuts.

"What the fuck do you even want me to text him Blake."

"Text him you wanna meet up and talk., I'll have you guys go to a populated place and have my guys surrounding the area. Get Dean to trust you again."

And with that I snatched the phone from his dingy hands.

How would I even gain his trust back. That could take months upon months. Which means months away from my baby and Joey. I have to do this for Nadia, I will not disappoint her anymore.

"Dear Dean, I hope you can forgive me I left that douchebag Joey and thought maybe we could meet up. Also ditched the child it could be just me and you baby. Us against the world."

"Perfect Alex. Now we wait."

I fluttered my eyes open as an excited Blake stood just inches from my face.

"Wakey,wakey eggs and bacon Alex. Dean texted back and wants to meet in an hour. Freshen up."

Groggily I rolled from the bed and began getting dressed.

Knock Knock Knock

"Are you dressed?"

"You do realize i'm a girl right Blake?" I yelled rolling my eyes.

"Okay well hurry! I'll be downstairs to go over the game plan."

"So listen Alex you're going to go inside of the coffee shop and make things just like old times. Take this ear piece so I can talk to you in your ear. Secondly I am giving you the keys to my BMW please keep it safe. And thirdly me and my team will be close by in case things go south. Ready?"

Do I look fucking ready?


This car really is fancy. Wonder where Blake and his team gets all this money.

"That's our business sweet cheeks."

Crap I forgot I was wearing this stupid ear piece.

"Alright Alex he's in the shop waiting go in and show him what he's been missing."

"Alex you look just the same as I last remember you."

Ew gross.

"You as well Dean. I've missed you dearly."


"Please sit. Let's chat."

"So how have you been?"

"Cut the shit Alex."

Um excuse me?


"I know what you're up to.Disconnect the ear piece and lets chat."

Slowly yet surely I removed the piece while Dean snatched it away crushing it in his hands.

"I have something of yours but I'm not giving it to you until you come and work for me. You're not going to turn me over to this stick fuck gang who thinks they're the shit."

Honestly what the hell is going on?

"Dean what do you ha-"



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